Category: Sanctity of Life

Time To Overturn Roe v. Wade

Written by Star Parker

In May, the U.S. Supreme Court put abortion on the docket for its upcoming session by agreeing to hear Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

The high court’s decision to hear this case registered on the seismometer of every American that carefully follows the abortion issue. It means that Roe v. Wade, which has defined abortion reality in the country since 1973, is open to review and could be overturned.… Continue Reading

Saving Our National Hyde

Written by Dr. Jerry Newcombe

Watch out whenever a politician says, “I’m a devout Catholic, but…” Whatever follows the “but” shows where their true allegiance lies. So it is with President Joe Biden and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who are out of step with their Church’s teaching. Both have expressed a desire to see abortion rights extended, even up to the moment of birth—which is infanticide.

Now they even want to repeal the Hyde Amendment, a 40-year old congressional measure that blocks federal funding for abortions.… Continue Reading

Will Roberts and Kavanaugh Stand With the Unborn or the Unjust?

Written by Terence P. Jeffrey

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, both nominated by Republican presidents, have both written absurd opinions on abortion laws.

The case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, which the U.S. Supreme Court will hear this year, could give them an opportunity to redeem themselves.

At issue in this case is a Mississippi law that bans most abortions after a baby’s 15th gestational week. The question: Can a state prohibit doctors from killing unborn babies who are not yet old enough to survive outside the womb?… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Defying Scriptural Hierarchies in Every Way Possible

Written by Benjamin Smith

For better or worse, the Illinois General Assembly is back in session and a plethora of controversial, radical, and just plain ridiculous bills are scheduled for consideration. Monte Larrick and David Smith are joined by Jenna Smith, David’s oldest daughter, as they discuss the compelling reasons to retain the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Jenna shares her perspective as an older teen and articulates the devastating mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences that could impact young girls (17-years and younger) if parental notification is repealed.… Continue Reading

Putting a Human Face on Abortion

Written by Dr. Jerry Newcombe

One of the great blessings of the United States is that written into our national birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence, is the acknowledgment that we are endowed by our Creator with the right to life.

But the right to life is under assault today through the widespread practice of abortion – and has been for decades.

Amazingly, through the years, there have been a few that actually survived an abortion attempt.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Anti-Life Legislation, Parental Rights and Sex Trafficking

Written by David E. Smith

Legislation has consequences. Good legislation can bring about beneficial improvements and protections, but unwise legislation can have harmful, devastating effects on the people who must abide by it. With that dichotomy in mind, this edition of Spotlight takes an in-depth look at the ramifications of repealing Illinois’ Parental Notice of Abortion Act by considering its impact on the unborn child, the underage mother-to-be and her parents, compassionate and helpful pregnancy center workers, and Planned Parenthood’s bottom line.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: In Defense of Parental Notice of Abortion

Written by David E. Smith

Parents for the Protection of Girls – a grassroots movement to uphold and defend parental notice – recently hosted an online news conference in defense of Illinois’s Parental Notice of Abortion Act. This edition of Spotlight provides especially timely information from the event and highlights numerous reasons why the Parental Notice of Abortion Act must be upheld. Following is a list of conference participants:

Mary Hallan FioRito, a fellow at the Ethics & Public Policy Center and moderator of the forum.… Continue Reading

Satanists Sue For Religious Right to Ritual Abortions

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past week while the nation was distracted by Joe Biden’s dementia-ridden incompetence and Andrew Cuomo’s predatory misogyny, The Satanic Temple of Texas filed suit to defend its religious right to engage in child sacrifice as a spiritual ritual.

The Dallas Observer reports as follows.

“[On Feb. 23, 2021] The Satanic Temple [of Dallas, Fort Worth, and Houston] filed a lawsuit against the State of Texas alleging certain state-mandated abortion regulations violate the religious liberty of its members … [and] violate the temple’s religious teachings.

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The Mark of Faith

Written by State Representative Adam Niemerg

“Any country that accepts abortion,
is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what it wants.”
~Mother Teresa 

On Ash Wednesday, it is not unusual to see politicians walking around government buildings with a cross marked on their foreheads from ashes. In fact, as a devout Catholic, President Joe Biden has attend many an Ash Wednesday service and has had the cross marked on his forehead to commemorate the beginning of Lent, which is the journey to the most sacred and Holy Day in the Church calendar – Easter.… Continue Reading

Be of Good Cheer: Life is Still Winning

Written by Dr. Joseph J. Horton

“In the world you will have tribulation,” states John 16:33. “But take heart; I have overcome the world.” Those who take heart in Christ are promised trouble but are also promised the ultimate victory. How do we maintain the proper focus through the days in which trouble seems more prominent? I write this not as a Bible study, but as an encouragement to seek out those things in which we can rejoice.… Continue Reading