Category: Religious Liberty

Indiana’s Religious Freedom Attacked By Famous, Rich Liberals


By Alfonzo Rachel

Famous, rich, wealthy, influential liberals, from Cher to Kareem Abdul Jabbar using their status to oppose the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (#RFRA). They’re cultural icons, who’s backward worldview is valued by millions. Also here’s the link I Mentioned in the video! If you really want to see more artists promoting conservative values instead of the culture constantly being influenced by influential artists in opposition to to your values, please share the following link I spoke of in the vid!… Continue Reading

Mark Kirk Does it Again (Don’t Say You Weren’t Warned)

Mark Kirk

Written by Laurie Higgins

Illinois’ Republican U.S. Senator Mark Kirk has gone and done it again. He has once again revealed his traitorous willingness to embrace all things homosexual. This time it’s Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) about which Kirk made this feckless statement:

I strongly oppose what Governor Pence did. We should not enshrine bigotry under the cover of religion. It’s not just bad practice – it’s un-American.

Yes, there’s nothing quite so un-American as that pesky First Amendment of which Indiana’s RFRA offers some measure of reinforcement against the tyranny of religious bigotry and big government intrusion.… Continue Reading

Tim Cook Needs to Do Some Homework


Tim Cook, the chief executive officer of Apple, is spreading misinformation about a new religious-freedom law in Indiana.

That law and similar ones, he writes in the Washington Post, “say individuals can cite their personal religious beliefs to refuse service to a customer or resist a state nondiscrimination law.” He goes on to claim that they “rationalize injustice by pretending to defend something many of us hold dear. They go against the very principles our nation was founded on, and they have the potential to undo decades of progress toward greater equality.”

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Obama’s Ominous Evolution


Written by David E. Smith

In May 2012, I wrote an article in response to President Barack Obama’s statement that he had “evolved” to support redefining marriage to include homosexual partners.  In this article, I pointed out that it really wasn’t an “evolution” as much as it was a flip-flop.

Let me explain:

In 1996, as a candidate for the Illinois State Senate, Obama went on record in favor of same-sex “marriage.” Then in 2004, as a candidate for U.S.… Continue Reading

A Lesbian Mayor’s Lavender Fatwa on Pastors

Mayor Parker

Written by John Kirkwood

The Western world reacts in horror when some Third World Imam puts out a fatwa on a cartoonist or an author for merely challenging a point of Islam. We ask the “moderate” Muslim, why have you swallowed your tongue? Why aren’t you decrying this barbarism?

But when a lesbian mayor tries to enforce lavender Sharia against a group of Houston pastors for the crime of being Christian, where is the cry from the “homosexual community”?… Continue Reading

Dr. Voddie Baucham and the Separation of Church and State

Dr. Voddie Baucham,  pastor of preaching at Grace Family Baptist Church in Spring, Texas, discusses the often misunderstood idea of the separation of church and state with our good friends at Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

The concept of the “wall of separation between church and state” has been misrepresented by ALCU, and too many Americans believe that this metaphor is found in the U.S. Constitution. A quick read of the Constitution should dispel this myth, which has wreaked such havoc within American politics, and yet it persists.… Continue Reading

Homosexual Writer Andrew Sullivan Supports Religious Liberty

Homosexual Writer Andrew Sullivan Supports Religious Liberty

Posted by Laurie Higgins

Who’d a thunk it? Well-known homosexual writer and activist Andrew Sullivan responded to the Arizona debacle in a surprising blog post in which he makes two critical points rarely heard from the Left: First, he acknowledges that there is a difference between sincere religious belief and bigoted hatred. Second, he argues that compelling people to do something that violates their religious beliefs suppresses liberty and turns homosexuals into the intolerant bigots they routinely condemn.… Continue Reading