Category: Federal Elections

State Sen. Kyle McCarter Endorsed by The Club for Growth


Republican congressional candidate Kyle McCarter today welcomed the support of The Club for Growth PAC, which endorsed him over incumbent nominee John Shimkus.

“The Club for Growth is the gold standard of conservative principles, and their endorsement today demonstrates that my message of fiscal restraint, core values, and free market economics is reaching true conservatives,” McCarter said.

A member of the Illinois State Senate, McCarter is seeking the party nomination in the state’s 15th Congressional District, which comprises much of the state’s southeastern quadrant from Danville in the north, Metropolis in the south, and going west to Madison county in the metro east.… Continue Reading

Don’t Let Hillary Draft Your Daughter


Written by Katie Kieffer

For over 40 years, Hillary Clinton has been pushing to put women in combat and now she’s close to succeeding—whether women like it or not.

Your daughter or granddaughter could soon be compelled to register with the Selective Service at the age of 18 alongside all American males. Today, I’ll share what you need to know to confront Hillary and Obama’s unconstitutional and unscientific approach to fighting the phony War on Women and the real War on ISIS.… Continue Reading

Terrorists, Like Other Criminals, Defy the Rules


Written by Michael Medved

Donald Trump supports the idea that immigration and customs officials should ask any migrants or visitors to our country whether they’re Muslim, and if they are Muslims, they should be denied entry.

Why would this make us safer against potential terrorists?

If an extremist plans to perpetrate violence against America and Americans, he (or she) would certainly be willing to lie about his religious affiliation. As former anti-terror prosecutor Andrew McCarthy makes clear, the only people who’d be hurt by asking Muslims to identify themselves, or to register with the government based on their religious faith, would be law-abiding Muslims.… Continue Reading

Who Would Trump Appoint to the U.S. Supreme Court?

Written by Frank Cannon 

Donald Trump says a lot of things. We’ve become all too used to that now. Some of these things should probably be taken with a grain of salt — “Only Rosie O’Donnell” comes to mind — but some deserve to be analyzed more closely.

Here’s an example. Remember Trump’s discussion about U.S. Supreme Court Justices back in August with Bloomberg Politics? Mark Halperin asked Trump, “Is there someone out there today who isn’t on the [Supreme Court], but say, this is the kind of person I would consider for the court?… Continue Reading

Rejecting False Liberal Choices


Written by Robert Knight

Over and over, progressives give us simplistic formulae, plus name calling if we’re on the “wrong” side of an issue.

This is not happenstance; it’s the way they shame people into adopting their agenda or at the very least silencing opponents.

When Democrats were selling Obamacare, then-Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid decried Tea Party members as “evil mongers.” Americans were either selfish skinflints or compassionate souls who favored healthcare for all. If you opposed Obamacare, you hated the poor.… Continue Reading

Can Cruz Win the General? Yes, He Can!


Written by Lloyd Marcus

Some say, “I like Cruz, but I’m voting for Trump because I don’t believe Cruz can win the general.” These voters are really saying they believe we have lost the country to the Left. Therefore, a true conservative touting traditional values cannot win the presidency in today’s America. This mindset reminds me of what many conservatives did to Sarah Palin.

Palin epitomized the character, principles, and values we in the tea party longed to see in our politicians.… Continue Reading

James Dobson Endorses Ted Cruz


Written by Ryan Lovelace

James Dobson, founder of the influential Christian group Focus on the Family, endorsed Ted Cruz for president on Thursday. Dobson is a prominent evangelical activist and author.

“Ted Cruz’s record on religious liberty, life and marriage is second to none in this Republican field,” Dobson said in a statement shared by the Cruz campaign. “I have met with the senator on multiple occasions: He is brilliant, articulate and informed. Shirley and I have been praying for a leader such as this, and we are confident that Ted Cruz has the moral and spiritual foundations to lead our nation with excellence.… Continue Reading

Donald Trump Gets Support from Putin, But Doesn’t Want Jeb Bush’s Endorsement


Written by Leonardo Blair

While GOP 2016 presidential front runner Donald Trump declared he doesn’t want the endorsement of rival Jeb Bush should he become the party’s eventual nominee, the brash billionaire on Thursday picked up the support of no less than Russian President Vladimir V. Putin.

A report in The New York Times citing Russia’s official Interfax newswire said Putin praised Trump Thursday after his year-ending conference in Moscow and called him “a very bright and talented man and the absolute leader of the presidential race.”

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Religious Liberty: Only for Muslims?


Hillary Clinton

Written by Linda Harvey

Suddenly, the left defends religious liberty. They are shocked, shocked that Donald Trump proposed limits on Muslim immigration to America.

But what about all those same-sex “wedding” cakes? What about the Kleins in Oregon – who are citizens, not immigrants – facing a fine of $135,000 because they believed Americans had a right to religious freedom? Where’s the outcry over jail cells for county clerks who have conscientious objections?

In a new campaign ad, Hillary Clinton tells America she doesn’t believe Christians have a right to refuse cakes to homosexual couples.… Continue Reading

Five Reasons Why the Ted Cruz Surge is for Real

Ted Cruz

Written by Steve Deace

The Ted Cruz surge has officially arrived. Predictably, the same political class that previously didn’t give him any shot to win the nomination is now saying he’s “peaking too soon” or the “flavor of the month.”

Here are five reasons why they’re wrong (as they almost always are).

1. Contrary to conventional wisdom, Iowa does not “break late.”

Accounting for the upcoming holidays when most people tune out politics, there are about 40 days until Iowans vote in their first-in-the-nation caucuses.… Continue Reading