Category: Federal Elections

Pete Buttigieg’s Big Mistake: Telling the Truth

Written by Ben Shapiro

This week, South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who has risen to the top of the heap in early Democratic presidential primary polling in Iowa and New Hampshire, came under serious sustained attack for the first time in his candidacy. Buttigieg’s early candidacy gained credibility thanks to the moderation he displayed compared with other Democrats. He quickly lost steam when he tacked to the left. Now Buttigieg has swiveled back toward the center, launching a series of assaults on the radical plans of U.S.… Continue Reading

Let’s Be Clear: What Pete Buttigieg Preaches Isn’t Christianity

Written by Peter Heck

I’m fine with the fact that I disagree with South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg on virtually every political issue. We can debate those.

Even though as a Hoosier myself, I am more intimately aware of the mismanaged manure pile his administration has produced, I know that can be endured and fixed.

I am annoyed by his politically-motivated doublespeak regarding Vice President Mike Pence – claiming a positive working relationship with the “nice” Vice President, before sharpening his tongue to stab him as a “fanatical” homophobe when it was expedient.… Continue Reading

New Report: Republicans Can’t Win Without the Family

Written by Leo Thuman

Veritable droves of right-of-center commentators and would-be eminences are more than happy to sound off ad-nauseam about tax cuts and job creation. Those priorities are spoken about as if they are the only political issues that conservatives can win on. In 2018, before November’s midterm elections, a group of Republican insiders and strategists happily gloated that another round of tax cuts would leave Democrats completely stumped, flailing in confusion at their loss.… Continue Reading

The Democrats’ Election Interference Projection

Written by David Limbaugh

You know what doesn’t pass the smell test in the Democrats’ sham impeachment crusade? Their main beef is that President Donald Trump abused his power to interfere with a presidential election (2020), yet that’s all they have been doing for the last three years.

Interference with a presidential election (2016) was also their allegation with the Russia-collusion hoax. Oh, my, how they revere the integrity of the election process.

Remember U.S. Rep.… Continue Reading

Schiff’s Leaky SCIF

Written by Robert Knight

This past week the Democrat media went ballistic over Republican congressmen and women “invading” the secret basement room where Adam B. Schiff is stirring his pot o’ impeachment soup.

Washington Post fake conservative Jennifer Rubin’s Oct. 23rd column was titled, “So much for ‘due process’: Republican mob crashes secure hearing room.”

Yes, they did, last Wednesday, showing that some of the Trump backbone has been transplanted.

Mr. Schiff, a California Democrat who chairs the U.S.… Continue Reading

The Mixed Bag that is President Trump

Written by Micah Clark

We are in an era where polling results are often used to make news, and to influence views. A case in point are the polls about support for President Trump in an era when the news about him is constantly negative.

Donald Trump is clearly the most unusual and unorthodox president of my lifetime, if not in all of U.S. History. He routinely says things, and does things, that probably give election and political advisors severe heartburn.… Continue Reading

Party of Progress
Lets Its Mask Slip

Written by Robert Knight

Things have come to a pretty pass when the most “moderate” Democratic presidential candidate wants to make history by bringing along a “first gentleman” instead of a first lady.

That’s where things stand after the latest Democratic debates, town halls and other glimpses into the bizarre strain in American politics known as progressivism.

The aforementioned “moderate” is Pete Buttigieg, the openly homosexual South Bend, Indiana, mayor whose legal spouse is a man.… Continue Reading

Why Trump Is Gaining Conservative Christian Supporters

Written by Dr. Michael L. Brown

A recent editorial in the New York Times confirms the results of my own online polling. President Trump appears to be gaining more conservative Christian voters than he is losing.

Writing for the Times on October 5, Jeremy W. Peters compiles an impressive list of former Never Trumpers who are now firmly in his camp. And quite a few of those on his list would identify as conservative religious voters.… Continue Reading

Nancy Pelosi’s Prayers

Written T.R. Clancy

An ardent, prayerful, and moral Nancy Pelosi has been called from sitting for her holy-card portrait to lend her aid in getting the president impeached — and the nation torn apart in the process.

She’s been on TV constantly, lecturing America that it’s the moral burden of Democrats to undo the 2016 election by any means necessary.  The U.S. Constitution, she keeps saying, demands it.  She just never mentions where.

But even as she expends herself, Mother Teresa–like, for the good of humanity on the impeachment crusade, she can still serve other mission fields as well.  … Continue Reading

Wealth and Envy: A Wealth Tax Will Make Paupers of Us All

Written by Oliver Perry

In his presidential campaign, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders issued his own plan to institute a “wealth tax.”

While Warren has touted the tax to fund her agenda, the primary purpose of Sanders’s proposal is to correct what his campaign called the “outrageous level of inequality that exists in America today and to rebuild the disappearing middle class.”[1]

The wealth tax seems to have wide support. A Quinnipiac Poll claims that 60% of those surveyed support a 2% annual wealth tax on the rich.… Continue Reading