Category: next gen

SPOTLIGHT: Education Freedom: Insights From Sam Sorbo

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features remarks given by Sam Sorbo at Illinois Family Institute’s 2022 Faith, Family, and Freedom Banquet.

Sam Sorbo is an actress, filmmaker, radio host, and a staunch advocate for educational freedom. Her book, They’re Your Kids: An Inspirational Journey from Self-Doubter to Home School Advocate, chronicles her family’s experience with homeschooling.

In her speech, Sam insightfully notes the lies of the educational framework in America, what true education is, and how parents can fight for their child’s education.… Continue Reading

LGBTQIA+ Pride Degrades Everything It Touches

Written by Brian Wencel

Not too long ago, to be a politician or a member of the government, one needed to follow certain customs and social norms. These unspoken rules weren’t complicated, nor were they overly restrictive. Politicians could joke around now and again, and they could even act casually at times, but they still worked to keep an image of professionalism and respectability.

Evidently, the days of trying to act normal and respectable as a public figure—or, let’s be honest, as a private citizen—are a thing of the past.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The Consequences of Sexual Immorality

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, we are featuring remarks made by Dr. Jonathan Diggs during Illinois Family Institute’s 2023 Worldview Conference.

Dr. Jonathan Diggs has been practicing medicine for over thirty-five years, is an American Board of Internal Medicine diplomat, is a motivational speaker, and is a guest on national television and radio programs.

In his speaking segment, Dr. Diggs outlines three consequences of sexual immortality, which include the following:

1) unwanted pregnancies,
2) sexually transmitted diseases (STIs),
3) and the disruption of social cohesion.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Facing the Truth with Eric Scheidler

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick discusses the pro-life movement with Eric Scheidler, who is the executive director of Chicago’s Pro-Life Action LeagueDuring their annual “Face the Truth” tour, dozens of volunteers line sidewalks adjacent to streets near busy intersections in Chicago and the suburbs, silently and often prayerfully holding photographs of aborted babies.

When asked about the public reaction to these photographs, Scheidler notes,

We expected to see more hostility and anger and we’ve had some incidents… But, what I’ve found more notable is kind of a lack of curiosity… it seems more difficult to get people to take a piece of literature from you… That’s troubling.

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Pride Month Begins Its Rampage Against Children

Written by Brian Wencel

With June 1st marking the start of Pride month, numerous woke corporations and government institutions wasted no time in raising pride flags and rolling out social media profile pictures to match the occasion.

However, many companies are beginning to think twice before pledging their allegiance to the LGBTQ lobby.

After Bud Light and Target suffered significant losses from boycotts for pushing gender ideology nonsense, many companies seem to be a bit more cautious and hesitant, and rightly so.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The Worldview of Our Age

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this podcast episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Dr. Voddie Baucham regarding the issues of education, worldview, and critical race theory. The latter threatening to divide the Church and nation. There is an agenda to push a “false divide” between black and white people. In an interview with Christianity Daily, Dr. Baucham points out:

“So the Jew-Gentile divide that Paul talks about in the latter half of Ephesians 2, that is a real divide that God established.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Overflowing With Hope: A Conversation With Kirk Smith

Written by Jenna Smith

In this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick has an interesting conversation with Kirk Smith, executive director of the Illinois Christian Home Educators (ICHE). Over the weekend of May 20th, ICHE hosted their annual homeschool conference at Olivet Nazarene University where families were not only encouraged to educate their children academically, but educate them spiritually.

When asked about the difference between public school and home school, Smith points out that children in government systems are often being taught anti-Christian morals and deceptive worldly philosophies.… Continue Reading

The Left’s True Reason for Opposing Religion

Written by Brian Wencel

The Left often whines about religion being shoved in their faces, claiming that religious beliefs are being forced upon them by Christian conservatives. If you try and talk to a liberal about abortion, gay marriage, or the indoctrination occurring in the public school system, you’ll be bombarded with demands to keep religion out of government, even if you never brought your religious beliefs into the conversation in the first place. They claim to take a firm stance against having religious talk forced on people who don’t want it.… Continue Reading

Test Post

Test next gen… Continue Reading