Category: Marriage, Family & Culture

When Politics Trumps Faith, Marriage Suffers

Written by Michael Medved

The New York Times Style Section recently ran a report called “UNEASY BEDFELLOWS,” describing marriages that reached the point of dissolution because of arguments concerning Donald Trump. When I discussed the subject on the air, one astute caller noted that none of the couples featured in the story seemed to share a religious outlook, and he suggested that if they did, they could far more easily handle their political disputes.

Unfortunately, far too many Americans now use politics as a substitute for faith, treating party loyalty as a matter of uncompromising identity that provides meaning, transcendence and morality.

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Unfair to Stay-at-Home Moms (and Dads)

Written by Michael Medved

In a rare area of agreement, both presidential candidates want to help working families with childcare expenses. Donald Trump recently proposed a tax deduction for parents who place their kids in daycare; Hillary Clinton backs an even more costly plan, providing a refundable tax credit that would send daycare reimbursement checks even to families paying no income tax.

Both candidates, however, fail to recognize the unfairness of such arrangements to parents who decide to leave the workforce or cutback hours to care for their children themselves.… Continue Reading

Republican Voters Are Not “Moving On” From Marriage

Written by Frank Schubert

Rank and file Republican activists and voters revere marriage and will act to defend it. GOP candidates should understand that failing to defend marriage can come at a very high price.

A year after the US Supreme Court’s narrow 5-4 ruling redefining marriage, many of the elite in the Republican Party are anxious to declare “the marriage issue” settled. It’s a common refrain from high-ranking Republicans: “the Supreme Court has spoken,” and the party should move on to other issues.

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“Freedom of Choice” Now Applies to Restrooms



Written by Russ Stewart

How does one tell the difference between gravity and frivolity? The Chicago City Council is a superb yardstick.

The agenda of the council’s June 22 meeting will ensure a descent into the abyss of frivolity and stupidity. At that session, the council is scheduled to address such momentous matters as transgender or any gender access to public restrooms, along with a mandated “poop patrol,” with a swarm of inspectors empowered to find dog droppings on private property, bag them, ascertain the DNA, do a dog swab, and levy a fine of $500.… Continue Reading

Illinois GOP to Remove “Marriage” Plank in Platform

Written by David E. Smith

Some Illinois Republicans want to stay away from “controversial” issues. They think that removing the traditional marriage plank will somehow help liberal Republicans who are “hurt” by the platform in their swing districts.  First, if they think that they are going to avoid controversy by removing this important plank, they are woefully wrong.  Secondly, the Illinois GOP has its fair share of RINOs elected to office, who are the source of the problem at hand; but clearly demonstrating that liberal Republicans can win with the current state platform.… Continue Reading

Which Candidate Will Protect Our Daughters?


Written by Bryan Fischer

An O’Fallon, Missouri man was arrested on April 23 after allegedly secretly filming women in a Target dressing room.

Matthew Foerstel, 26, faces felony charges for invasion of privacy in the second degree and unlawful possession of a firearm.

The Brentwood Police Department arrested Foerstel on April 23 after he allegedly held a camera phone under a dressing room door while a female shopper tried on swim suits at the Target store in Brentwood.… Continue Reading

Tax Freedom Day® 2015 is April 24th

Americans Spend More on Taxes and Food, Clothing, and Housing Combined

From the Tax Foundation

What Is Tax Freedom Day?

Tax Freedom Day is the day when the nation as a whole has earned enough money to pay its total tax bill for the year. Tax Freedom Day takes all federal, state, and local taxes and divides them by the nation’s income. In 2015, Americans will pay $3.28 trillion in federal taxes and $1.57 trillion in state and local taxes, for a total tax bill of $4.85 trillion, or 31 percent of national income.… Continue Reading

Don’t Let Hillary Draft Your Daughter


Written by Katie Kieffer

For over 40 years, Hillary Clinton has been pushing to put women in combat and now she’s close to succeeding—whether women like it or not.

Your daughter or granddaughter could soon be compelled to register with the Selective Service at the age of 18 alongside all American males. Today, I’ll share what you need to know to confront Hillary and Obama’s unconstitutional and unscientific approach to fighting the phony War on Women and the real War on ISIS.… Continue Reading

National Organization for Marriage Endorses Ted Cruz


Written by Ray Nothstine

Calling U.S. Senator Ted Cruz “a proven champion,” the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) endorsed Ted Cruz for president and promised to do everything possible to make his election possible.

“Sen. Ted Cruz is a proven champion for marriage and religious freedom and someone we can absolutely count on to fight to restore marriage to our nation’s laws and defend the religious liberty of the tens of millions of Americans who believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman,” said Brian Brown, NOM’s president in a Wednesday press release.

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Same-Sex Marriage ‘Is Not Law;’ Huckabee Boldly Defends Traditional Marriage


Mike Huckabee continues to stand up for traditional marriage which encourages and strengthens conservatives. When asked how to overturn the Supreme Court Obergefell opinion, he said, “on the same sex marriage decision I would simply say it is not law.” This was at the National Religious Liberties Conference held in Iowa last week.

The 2016 presidential hopeful believes a president is to “uphold the Constitution,” which says nothing about redefining marriage. The founders wrote the Constitution and outlawed homosexuality.… Continue Reading