Category: Federal Issues

Freeing People from Left-Wing Lies

Written by Tom Trinko

The majority of Democratic voters are victims of a deliberate conspiracy by the leftist media, academia, and the Deep State to mislead them through lies of omission and commission.

A recent Pew survey shows that leftists are much more likely not to want to associate with people who don’t share their political views than are conservatives.  Furthermore, leftists are more likely not to know any conservatives.

Look at the electoral map from 2016 – the blue areas are all tiny and tightly grouped.… Continue Reading

Soros Just Quadrupled Lobbying Expenditures

Written by Thomas Lifson

George Soros must be really worried by all the progress President Trump is making. Soros’s Open Society Policy Center, the 501 (c)(4) nonprofit organization[i] that he sponsors spent more money lobbying the federal government last quarter than it has ever spent in its history. Joe Shoffstall reports in The Free Beacon that the Open Society Policy Center:

…reported spending $10.37 million between April 1 and June 30—an increase of nearly $8 million from the first quarter of the year when the center reported spending $2.52 million on its lobbying efforts.

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Why Everyone Believes in Secure Borders

Written by Dr. Frank Turek

If you say you’re for open borders, you’re not.  Not completely.

Do you have locks on your doors?  How about on your car?  Got a fence so your kids can play safely?  Do you have passwords on your computers?  How about your bank accounts? Do you protect your credit card numbers?  Your social security number?  How about your medical records?  Do you think curbs, guardrails, and traffic lines are a good idea, or should people be able to drive anywhere and any way they want? … Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Hoosier Gonna Pick in November?

On this edition of Spotlight, David Smith and Monte Larrick reach out across the border to usher in their guest – but the border we’re referring to might not be the first one that comes to mind. Micah Clark, Executive Director of American Family Association of Indiana, joins our hosts to talk about a number of key topics in the run-up to the November election.

The podcast begins with a discussion of President Trump’s nominee for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), Brett Kavanaugh.… Continue Reading

Yale Elitists Warn of Deadly Consequences If Kavanaugh Is Confirmed

Written by Dr. Michael Brown 

The warning is bleak and dire. “People will die” we are told with gravitas and concern. And the warning comes from the academic elite, from students, faculty, and alumni of Yale University Law School. Yes, people will die if Justice Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed.

This is the latest example of apocalyptic fear-mongering associated with the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. To paraphrase the collective hysteria of the left, “Kavanaugh’s confirmation would mean the end of the world!”… Continue Reading

My Support for Judge Kavanaugh

Written by David J. Shestokas

Investigating President Trump’s nomination for the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh brought back memories of law school and a nettlesome problem I observed in America. Here’s how I came to believe a Justice Kavanaugh will be good for America.

As part of being on law review all members write a piece called a “note”. It’s not an “article” since it’s a piece being written by a law student, not a lawyer.… Continue Reading

Respecting the Rule of Law Is Not Bigotry

Written by Walker Wildmon

In 2018, those who are in favor of law and order in America are called bigots who have no compassion. Millions of aliens have crossed the U.S. border illegally because we, as a country, have failed to effectively secure the southern border. We now have a president who is attempting to stop this lawlessness.

Being called a bigot is not the only accusation being launched at those who think that our country’s immigration laws should be enforced.… Continue Reading

15 Questions for Potential New SCOTUS Justices

Written by Daniel Horowitz

If conservatives really want an originalist on some of the most consequential issues of our time, it is important to ask nominees to the court questions about the role of the courts in constitutional interpretation compared to other branches of the government. If we could sit down for an hour hour of time with any high court nominee, here are the 15 questions and issues we would discuss.

Constitutional interpretation

1. Does the U.S.Continue Reading

Good Riddance to Justice Anthony Kennedy

Written by Taylor Lewis

The U.S. Supreme Court’s longest serving justice announced his retirement shortly after casting the deciding vote on a string of decisions that were seen as wins for the conservative side of the bench. Kennedy’s stepping down didn’t come as a surprise. There have long been rumors in Washington that he was considering hanging up his robe. With a Republican-controlled Congress and White House, the timing couldn’t be better, so as to ensure his seat would be filled with someone from the right side of the ideological spectrum.… Continue Reading

Unless We Heed Clarence Thomas’ Warning, SCOTUS ‘Travel Ban’ Victory is Hollow

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Our political system regards the U.S. Supreme Court as superior to the other two branches of government. Why then doesn’t the high court wield its supremacy over its own branch and rein in the lawlessness of the lower courts? Shouldn’t it uproot a growing power grab by the lower courts that are issuing nationwide injunctions over broad policies? Justice Clarence Thomas seems to think so.

In Thomas’ concurrence in the “travel ban” case, he spends just one paragraph dealing with the merits of the case.… Continue Reading