Category: Federal Issues

Biden’s Fabled Bipartisanship

Written by David Limbaugh

I haven’t seen much humor in life during the past year or so, but one thing that has been uproariously hilarious lately is the orchestrated media narrative that President Joe Biden is bipartisan and conciliatory. Please give me a moment to catch my breath.

I think it was Karl Rove who recently observed that the media’s effective definition of bipartisan legislation is not that significant numbers of both parties’ lawmakers support a bill but that some poll somewhere shows that a large percentage of Americans of each party support some vaguely described initiative, even if zero Republican legislators support the actual bill.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senator Cotton Challenges the Left’s Psy-War Assault on the U.S. Military

Written by Austin Bay

The psychological-warfare attack — its script straight from the antifa/Black Lives Matter version of the Cold War’s Marxist playbook — began in January when the predictable chorus of hard-left hacks in academia, media and government vilified the American military with toxic allegations calculated to demoralize military personnel, sow destructive institutional suspicion and undermine command authority with the goal of weakening U.S. national security.

The propaganda ploy the hard left’s commissars, fuhrers and utopian messiahs use in their psychological assault first targets individuals. Continue Reading

Number of Sex Offenders Caught at The Border Tripled Since Last Year

Written by Daniel Horowitz

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled … sex offenders … yearning to …” Wait … what?

Customs and Border Protection announced yesterday that more than 100,000 illegal aliens were apprehended at the border. That is more than any time in recent history except for the peak months of the 2019 border crisis. And it’s getting worse every day. But what few people have noticed is that it’s not just impoverished illegal aliens coming in.… Continue Reading

Render Unto Biden? Dems’ Appetite for Revenue Will Make Taxes Go Through the Roof

Written by Robert Knight

It’s tax season again and Caesar wants his cut.

The national debt is approaching $30 trillion, and Congress just added 2 more trillion for more “COVID-19 relief.”

The current bill [just passed] by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer is composed of massive pork barrel spending and a bail-out for high-tax Democratic states that have mismanaged their finances. Oh, and some more money for COVID-related economic distress on the heels of the earlier $4 trillion, of which $1 trillion has yet to be released.… Continue Reading

The Difference Between Washington’s Birthday and ‘Presidents’ Day’ is the Difference Between Liberty and Tyranny

Written by Daniel Horowitz

No, we are not celebrating Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Woodrow Wilson, or Millard Fillmore this week. We are supposed to be celebrating George Washington. In other words, we are not celebrating the majestic power of the chief executive of the United States government in the abstract, but the humble leadership of one man who, until recently, successfully set the precedent of the presidency being wielded as an office of limited power rather than the power of a king.… Continue Reading

Today’s Mad Science: Hijacked and Repurposed to Suit Progressive Agendas

Written by Robert Knight

With Biden/Harris ensconced in the White House, we’re being instructed to cheer the return of “science” as a guide to public policy.

The inference is that all important decisions during the Trump years were made by reading tea leaves or conferring with the Amazing Kreskin.

So, back to “science.” If only.

Like anything else of consequence, much of science has been hijacked and repurposed to suit progressive agendas. As such, it’s no longer real science but selectively publicized “studies,” enforced by guilds like the American Psychological Association or the climate Chicken Littles.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ Rule: Bow Before Them or Burn

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

The year 2021 is hardly out of diapers, and the words of the Old Testament prophet echo through our streets:

“Woe to those who draw iniquity with the cords of falsehood … who call evil good and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight …  Woe unto those who take away the rights of the ones who are in the right!”

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Storming of The Capitol Was Stupid, But Democrats’ Flaming Hypocrisy is Outrageous

Written by Robert Knight

How could the U.S. Capitol Police have been so ineffective when rioters who broke away from the massive, peaceful pro-Trump rally besieged the building?

Here’s a theory: It wasn’t Antifa or Black Lives Matter out there on the Mall. Perhaps they honestly didn’t expect this kind of violence from a normally law-abiding group.

Over the years, large demonstrations by tea parties and pro-lifers have had zero violence, with participants even cleaning up litter.… Continue Reading

Kamala Harris Faces Criticism for Riot Hypocrisy

Written by Peter Heck

Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris is facing criticism after her remarks comparing the violence at Capitol Hill on Wednesday to the Black Lives Matter riots during the summer.

“We witnessed two systems of justice when we saw one that let extremists storm the United States Capitol, and another that released tear gas on peaceful protesters last summer,” Harris said in comments Wednesday night. “We know this is unacceptable. We know we should be better than this.”

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Trump’s Agenda Must Survive His Presidency

Written by David Limbaugh

I am saddened by what occurred at the nation’s Capitol building on Wednesday. Such mob violence, especially against the nation’s institutions of government, must be firmly and unequivocally condemned.

For my entire lifetime, the Republican Party has been the party of law and order and has zealously honored the U.S. Constitution. We must and will continue to be.

Most conservatives are rightly condemning the violence, but it should be noted that this is not typical of people on the right.Continue Reading