Category: Federal Issues

Chasing Our Own Tails Has Become The New Pandemic

Written by Daniel Horowitz

As for those of you who are left, I will make their hearts so fearful in the lands of their enemies
that the sound of a windblown leaf will put them to flight. They will run as though fleeing from the sword,
and they will fall, even though no one is pursuing them
. ~ Leviticus 26:36

The hospitals throughout America are stressed and stretched thin. No, unlike during other times of the pandemic, there is not a flood of people coming in with blood clotting and respiratory distress.… Continue Reading

Texas Audit Finds Over 11,000 Potential Noncitizens Registered to Vote, Other Problems

Written by Darlene McCormick Sanchez

Voting irregularities—including potentially thousands of votes cast by noncitizens and dead people—were reported during the first phase of the Texas secretary of state’s forensic audit of the 2020 general election, but critics deemed it more of a risk-limiting audit at this point.

The secretary of state’s office released its findings on Dec. 31; the issues found aren’t enough to significantly affect 2020 election results of the four counties involved in the audit—Collin, Dallas, Harris, and Tarrant counties—which account for about 10 million people, or a third of Texas’s population.… Continue Reading

New Justice Department Report: Prison Rates Plummeting, Lowest Level Since 1992

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Why is there a record number of criminals on the streets? Well, if they are being removed from the prisons, where else do you think they will land?

It’s not enough for Republicans to only focus on funding the police. What point is there in funding the police if prosecutors, judges, and new laws from the legislature will just let out all the repeat violent offenders? A new Bureau of Justice Statistics report easily sheds light on why there is so much rampant crime in the streets.… Continue Reading

A Primer on the Vaccine Mandate: A Case of Federal Overreach

Written by Dr. John A. Sparks

Whether you have strong convictions against vaccines, or just about the COVID vaccine, or you have no particular aversion to vaccines, understanding what is going on with President Joe Biden’s OSHA-enforced vaccine mandate is important. The OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) mandate is just one leg of a three-legged stool—the others being the vaccine edict from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services directed at medical workers and the administration’s own vaccine directive aimed at the employees of certain federal contractors.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Star Parker on God, Congress, Clergy and Government Schools

Written by David E. Smith

On our podcast this week, Monte Larrick talks with Star Parker, one of the premier conservative Black leaders of our day. Ms. Parker is the founder and president of CURE (Center for Urban Renewal and Education), a policy institute based in Washington, D.C. For the past twenty-five years, she has prioritized the truth of God’s Word in an effort to heal urban areas, end government dependencies in our nation’s most distressed communities, and educate and empower pastors to help rebuild lives.… Continue Reading

Your Costs For Biden’s Bloated Bureaucracy

Written by Oliver North and David Goetsch

“Drain the swamp!” Those three words were more than a mantra for the Trump administration. They were shorthand for reducing the number of nameless, faceless bureaucrats who control the lives of Americans by enforcing a plethora of government regulations without ever standing for election. Now, with Joe Biden in the White House, the swamp is again overflowing. recently published the latest appalling figures on the federal government’s “internal” spending.… Continue Reading

Critical Race Theory: Myths, Marxism, and More

Written by Dr. Paul G. Kengor

Few modern topics have become as divisive as critical race theory, which is no surprise, given that CRT divides. It divides people into groups pitted against one another, into categories of oppressed vs. oppressor. What’s worse, your group defines you. This certainly flies in the face of the Judeo-Christian conception of all individuals as children of God made in the image of God.

What’s making CRT even worse are misunderstandings and misconceptions on both sides, from the left and the right.… Continue Reading

Marter: Underwood Owes The Nursing Community and Constituents an Apology

U.S. Congressional Candidate James Marter called on Lauren Underwood to apologize to the Nursing Community and her constituents for deceiving them and endangering their lives.

During her first run for Congress, Underwood boasted of her experience in Health and Human Services, preparing for and responding to public health crises. Similarly, she touted her nursing career, although the New York Times has since exposed that she had “never really worked with patients.”

“Much of the Congresswoman’s rhetoric appears to be geared to gaining political office, rather than sharing truth.… Continue Reading

The Cultural Shift Behind the Republican Tsunami

Written by Robert Knight

Something is happening out there. It looks for all the world like a punch-drunk fighter rising to his feet, shaking off the cobwebs and decking his opponent.

Republicans in Virginia swept all statewide offices and flipped the U.S. House last Tuesday. The folks at CNN and MSNBC were on the verge of hysteria. They channeled enfant terrible climate activist Greta Thunberg shouting, “How dare you!”

In New Jersey, a political neophyte truck driver apparently defeated the state Senate president.… Continue Reading

Recent Wave of Biden Judges Flips Two Appellate Courts to a Liberal Majority

Written by Jorge Gomez

In the biggest wave of judicial confirmations so far, the U.S. Senate recently confirmed nine (9) nominees to the federal courts. This brings the total number of judges appointed during the Biden administration to twenty-eight (28), which means the President continues outpacing his predecessors by sizeable margins.

Here’s a quick look at judicial confirmations at this point in a President’s first year, dating back to the Reagan administration:

Fl Insider | Biden Nominee Infographs

President Biden is having a relative measure of success up to this point in his presidency, with some judicial analysts calling his confirmations “historic.”… Continue Reading