Written by Charles Battig
While political pundits ponder the reasons for presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’s success with his socialist message among younger voters, they might also consider the “power of myth” as evidenced by human behavior.
Historian Joseph Campbell’s reflections on the topic aired on PBS in the mid-1980s and were later published in 1988 under the title The Power of Myth. Campbell documented and analyzed recurring basic themes embedded in the folklore and mythology of most every culture…good vs.… Continue Reading
Written by Michelle Malkin
For the past several years, I’ve reported and tweeted on all the rotten aspects of the federal Common Core “standards” scheme — including dumbed-down curricula, technology boondoggles, intrusive data-mining and tracking, D.C. lobbying groups, corruption of math education, and left-wing indoctrination.
One aspect of the Fed Ed/Big Business alliance that has deserved far greater and deeper media scrutiny is the windfall that huge textbook companies have reaped from “alignment” with the phony government standards.… Continue Reading
Written by Jane Robbins
Several Republican presidential candidates had a great opportunity over the last two weeks to take the lead on an issue critical to millions of conservatives – federal control over public education. A couple helped their cause, a couple did not, and one blasted further down into the crater he’s been in from the beginning.
On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate followed the U.S. House in passing the conference report reauthorizing No Child Left Behind.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Common Core, Dick Durbin, ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Mark Kirk, No Child Left Behind, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz
Education, Federal Elections, Federal Issues, Political | David E. Smith | December 11, 2015 10:32 AM | Comments Off on Republican Congress Thwarts American People, Passes Obama-Backed Education Bill
Compiled by Lia Annunziata
Some of the concerns with Common Core include the questionable academic quality, non-transparent creation and quick adoption, federal involvement, expansion of student data-mining and the further erosion of state and local control.
As they have learned how Common Core will affect curricula, teaching, and testing, state lawmakers and citizens have strongly objected, causing more than a dozen states to consider withdrawing and others to drop their involvement with federally funded tests.
Here’s what the 2016 Republican Presidential Candidates say about Common Core.… Continue Reading
By Stanley Kurtz
When Common Core supporter Jeb Bush and Common Core opponent Marco Rubio faced off during last month’s Republican presidential debate, they barely seemed to disagree. After moderator Bret Baier posed a question on the clash between Common Core advocates, on the one hand, and opponents of federal involvement in education, on the other, Bush denied the contrast: “I don’t believe the federal government should be involved in the creation of standards, directly or indirectly, the creation of curriculum content.… Continue Reading
Tags: Arne Duncan, Bret Baier, Common Core, Daniel Pfeiffer, Emmett McGroarty, George Will, Jeb Bush, Joel Klein, Lyndsey Layton, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Race to the Top
Education, Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith | September 2, 2015 4:00 AM | Comments Off on Jeb’s Misleading Talk on Common Core
Author and accomplished surgeon Dr. Ben Carson has expressed his support for homeschooling and school choice and opposition to Common Core at a conservative conference in Maryland.
At the main stage of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference at National Harbor, just outside Washington, D.C., Dr. Carson told those gathered on Thursday morning that “I am ready for school choice.”
Carson argued that “school choice,” or allowing parents to homeschool their children or send their children to private schools with government aid, was a benefit for all Americans.… Continue Reading
Written by Scott Reeder
Last week, Gov. Bruce Rauner proposed a budget that trimmed funding for state universities.
The reaction of university bigwigs?
Jack up tuition and protect the bureaucracy at all costs. And I mean at all costs.
Look no further than the comments Illinois State University President Larry Dietz made to WEEK TV news:
“Budget cuts at that level would have an impact on many areas of University operations and there are many issues on the table for discussion.
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Written by David E. Smith
President Barack Obama recently announced a proposal to make two years of community college “free” for all “responsible students.” According to various news reports, this government program would cost $60 billion. It is hard to believe that the Republican controlled Congress would approve adding a new costly federal program when many of them are looking to make significant budget cuts.
It is hard to understand why the dominant media refuses to expose political lies of “free” government programs.… Continue Reading
Written By Kelsey Harkness
Jeb Bush has long advocated for all 50 states to adopt Common Core national standards.
Now that the former Florida governor has all but confirmed his plans to run for president in 2016, the issue threatens to overshadow his likely campaign.
Bush’s name, matched with consistently high polling numbers among potential 2016 Republican candidates, makes landing a seat in the Oval Office feasible. But in order to reach the general election—to perhaps take on Hillary Clinton—Bush must first overcome concerns about Common Core with conservative primary voters.… Continue Reading