George Washington Taken from the Heights

Written by Michael Curtis

By Jove, by Jing, by George is the thing!  Can we say it isn’t so?  We thought we knew Washington.  As the proverb says, a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.  It’s taken some time for the truth to be revealed, though no doubt a special counsel searching for less in good names would have taken even longer to find out whether, among other things, the father of the United States was in collusion with the Russians.  … Continue Reading

Muslim Brotherhood Political Infiltration on Steroids

Written by Janet Levy

In 2008, during the largest terrorism funding trial in U.S. history, United States v. Holy Land Foundation, a document published in 1991 outlined Muslim plans to take over America.  An Explanatory Memorandum:  On the General Strategic Goal for the Group, seized in a 2004 FBI raid of the Virginia home of a Muslim Brotherhood operative, was presented during the trial as evidence of “a Civilization-Jihadist Process.” It outlined the Muslim Brotherhood goal to conduct a “grand jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated.”… Continue Reading

Mask off: Mainstream Dem Groups Unite With Radical Left

Written by Jordan Schachtel

Wondering why so much of the Left in America continues to be silent — if not rationalizing — in the face of extremist left-wing groups like “Antifa”?

It might be because much of the mainstream Left has chosen to link up with radical, fringe organizations that agree with much of Antifa’s communist/socialist/anarchist ideology.

In a blog post this week, the Indivisible guide — a leftist organization that forms coalitions of groups to advocate for leftist causes — has detailed how in the wake of the Charlottesville mayhem this past weekend, traditional left-of-center groups have thrown their weight behind the revolutionary Left.… Continue Reading

CNN’s Hate Group List Smears Some Great Organizations

Written by Tom Gilson

CNN has just published a map and listing of “all the active hate groups where you live.” I’ve got serious problems with lists like this, but apparently CNN doesn’t. It seems to me that if they believe in “hate group” lists, they really ought to include themselves on it.

A list like this one, published days after Charlottesville, is, in theory, meant to warn Americans against groups that might carry similar violence into other cities.… Continue Reading

Cultural Marxism is the #1 Enemy of Western Civilization

 Written by Joe Luger

Men must define their enemies.

It is vital to identify and know everything you can possibly know about your enemy. You must know their strengths, their weaknesses, their past actions, their allies and enemies, and so forth.

If you understand your enemy, you have a greater ability to defend yourself from their attacks. You also can attack their weak points instead of expending more energy attacking their strengths. In warfare, reliable information on your enemy is more important than the size of your army.… Continue Reading

‘Dangerous’: Milo Yiannopoulos Delights to Provoke

Written by Denyse O’Leary

Yiannopoulos (hereafter Milo), gay conservative provocateur, may need no introduction. Indeed, many people might refuse to read his new book Dangerous even though as of July 28, 2017, it was ranked #1 in Amazon’s “commentary and opinion” books. That would be a pity. The people who would feel most repelled are actually most at risk in the new social media-governed world for which Yiannopoulos, formerly Breitbart’ technology editor, offers insight.

It’s best to begin by clearing away some misunderstandings about Milo.… Continue Reading

What’s ‘Reasonable’ When Preventing Vote Fraud?

Written by Robert Knight

While Bill Clinton may still be pondering the meaning of the word “is,” a federal court in Miami is trying to define what the word “reasonable” means.

The ruling in this historic case could well determine how secure elections are all over the United States for years to come.

At issue in the American Civil Rights Union’s lawsuit against Broward County, Florida, whose weeklong trial ended last Wednesday, is what constitutes “reasonable” measures that must be taken to ensure accurate and up-to-date voter lists.

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CHICAGO: Inside the Biggest Gathering of American Socialists In Decades

Written by Ryan Cooper

Things are looking up for the Democratic Socialists of America. With a membership of 25,000, it is now the largest socialist group in America since the Second World War. And last weekend in Chicago, it held its largest convention, by a considerable margin, in its history.

The event was a fascinating view into an organization that is simultaneously struggling with sudden success and looking to capitalize on fertile conditions to grow even more.… Continue Reading

Illinois Liberals Get Holiday to Celebrate Their Messiah – Barack Obama

By Todd Starnes

Liberals across the state of Illinois now have a holiday to honor the birth of their Lord and Savior — President Barack Obama.

Governor Bruce Rauner signed into law legislation that would designate August 4th as “Barack Obama Day.”

NBC News Chicago reports the holiday will be “observed throughout the State as a day set apart to honor the 44th President of the United States of America who began his career serving the People of Illinois in both the Illinois State Senate and the United States Senate, and dedicated his life to protecting the rights of Americans and building bridges across communities,” Senate Bill 55 reads.

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Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Pakistani IT Scammers

Written by Andrew C.  McCarthy

In Washington, it’s never about what they tell you it’s about. So take this to the bank: The case of Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz‘s mysterious Pakistani IT guy, is not about bank fraud.

Yet bank fraud was the stated charge on which Awan was arrested at Dulles Airport this week, just as he was trying to flee the United States for Pakistan, via Qatar. That is the same route taken by Awan’s wife, Hina Alvi, in March, when she suddenly fled the country, with three young daughters she yanked out of school, mega-luggage, and $12,400 in cash.… Continue Reading