Written by Tony Perkins
What Americans witnessed on November 3rd didn’t just happen. A lot of people don’t remember, but the seeds for this election mess were planted way back in 2018 when Democrats won the House. The coronavirus didn’t hurt, of course, but the cheat was on long before Joe Biden was nominated. Why does that matter? Because — the president’s attorneys warn — if Republicans don’t keep fighting, the damage to our democracy is here to stay.… Continue Reading
Written by Peter LaBarbera
A coalition of 47 conservatives has written a letter appealing to the media to stop citing the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as an authority on “hate,” calling it “an attack dog of the political left” that slanders traditional conservatives as “extremists.”
In the wake of the race protests and riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, CNN and other media and blogs have cited the SPLC’s “hate map” as a guide to locate “hate groups”and “extremists” across the United States.… Continue Reading

Written by Anugrah Kumar
Pastors across the country will protest Internal Revenue Service restrictions on them not to talk politics in the church as they observe the annual Pulpit Freedom Sunday, days after the introduction of the Free Speech Fairness Act in the U.S. House to reinstate pastors’ and churches’ rights to speak freely.
“The IRS has no business acting as the speech police of any non-profit organization, as its many scandals over recent years have made clear,” said Erik Stanley, senior counsel of the Arizona-based Alliance Defending Freedom, which started Pulpit Freedom Sunday in 2008.
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Tags: Alliance Defending Freedom, Charles Chaput, Donald Trump, Dr. Jim Garlow, Erik Stanley, Free Speech Fairness Act, IRS, Jody Hice, Pulpit Freedom Sunday, Steve Scalise, The Johnson Amendment, Tony Perkins
Religious Liberty | David E. Smith |
October 4, 2016 4:00 AM |
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Ted Cruz has successfully courted Bob Vander Platts, Iowa’s main Christian powerbroker, winning his endorsement Thursday that was sought feverishly by about half the Republican field. Now, Cruz in closing in on winning the backing of another top social conservative networker: Tony Perkins.
“There’s clearly movement going toward Ted, and I think he’s making all the right moves,” Perkins told CNN Thursday. “But from a timing standpoint, I’m still watching, waiting.”
Perkins, who heads the Family Research Council, sits at the top of a pair of sprawling social conservative networks, the Conservative Action Project and the Council for National Policy, that are the hidden hub of the forces looking to push the Republican Party further right.… Continue Reading
Tags: Adrienne Watson, Bob Vander Platts, Bobby Jindal, Conservative Action Project, Family Research Council, Hillary Clinton, Mark Sanford, Phil Burress, Southern Poverty Law Center, Ted Cruz, Tony Perkins
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
December 14, 2015 7:44 AM |
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Written by Tony Perkins, FRC Action
Over the years, left-wing pundits have eagerly looked for any and every opportunity to eulogize what they call the “religious right.” But the movement to advance these timeless values can’t be buried in one election cycle or by five lawyers on the U.S. Supreme Court. These values aren’t going away nor are the millions of voters who use them to guide their vote. You only need to look at the crowded GOP presidential field and their persistent efforts to win the support of social conservatives. … Continue Reading

Written by Samuel Smith
As the question “Would you attend a same-sex wedding?” has been thrown at many Republican presidential candidates following June’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Ohio Gov. John Kasich declared during Thursday night’s Fox News Republican presidential debate that he has, in fact, attended a gay wedding.
When asked by Fox host Megyn Kelly how he would explain his opposition to gay marriage to a hypothetical gay son or lesbian daughter, the former chairman of the U.S.… Continue Reading
Tags: Election 2016, John Kasich, Republican, Rick Santorum, Robert George, Ryan T. Anderson, same-sex marriage, Tony Perkins
Federal Elections, LGBTQ Agenda, Political | David E. Smith |
August 10, 2015 4:00 AM |
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Written by IllinoisReview.com
Republican candidates who support abortion and same-sex marriage won’t be getting any love from pro-family groups in the upcoming election. CitizenLink, Family Research Council Action and the National Organization for Marriage have teamed up to urge voters not to support U.S. House candidates Carl DeMaio in California and Richard Tisei in Massachusetts as well as U.S. Senate candidate Monica Wehby in Oregon.
“The undersigned organizations… will mount a concerted effort to urge voters to refuse to cast ballots for them in the November election,” the groups wrote in a letter to Republican leaders.… Continue Reading
Tags: Carl DeMaio, CitizenLink, Family Research Council Action, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Monica Wehby, National Organization for Marriage, Richard Tisei, Tom Minnery, Tony Perkins
Federal Issues, Political | David E. Smith |
September 30, 2014 11:00 AM |
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