Posts tagged: Texas

A Twilight Zone America Endures The Border Crisis

Written by Robert Knight

Whenever I hear the White House insist the border is secure, inflation is no problem, and that boys are really girls if they feel like it, I look around for Rod Serling.

You half expect to see the vintage TV show host emerge from a misty backdrop to say, “What you’re seeing is a replica of reality, not reality itself. You have been transported to a parallel universe where evil is good, wrong is right and bitter is sweet.… Continue Reading

El Paso, TX, Again the Focal Point of Southern Border Crisis

By John Lopez

On December 20, Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) sent this communication to President Biden concerning the Southern Border Crisis on the eve of the Winter Solstice.

“With cold temperatures gripping Texas, your inaction to secure the southern border is putting the lives of migrants at risk, particularly in the City of El Paso.  With thousands of men, women, and children illegally crossing into Texas every day, and with the expectation that those numbers will only increase if Title 42 expulsions end, the state is overburdened as we respond to this disaster caused by you and your administration.

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GOP Governor Issues Warning of Plot Underway by George Soros

Written by Dennis Michael Lynch

In an opinion piece published in Saturday’s Washington Examiner, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a warning to the GOP that “Democrats in Washington, D.C. are plotting to pour hundreds of millions of dollars in state and local elections across the country” in an effort to buy back power.

Abbott pointed a finger at hedge fund billionaire George Soros, who is helping to fund the National Democratic Redistricting Committee so that it can take away control from voters, noting that congressional re-districting will go into effect in 2021, “when booming conservative states such as Texas will gain seats in the U.S.… Continue Reading