Posts tagged: Richard Weaver

The Fruit of Government Schools Is Bearing Itself Out On Our Streets

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

[Last] week’s news was dominated by the anti-Semitic protests taking place on college campuses across the nation. Columbia, Yale, Berkeley, Harvard. Over 120 American institutions have reported disruptions to the point that classes have been canceled and police have been called in to restore order.

So how did we get here? Who caused this mess? The answer is simple. All these childish antics and temper tantrums dominating the headlines can be traced back to one key source: the terrible ideas we have been teaching our children for the past 50 years. … Continue Reading

‘Woke’ Liberals Aren’t Hiding Their Hatred Anymore

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Last week, in this column, I argued, “What happens in Israel will not stay in Israel.” I went on to warn that “the next shoe to drop may be in Galveston rather than Gaza.”

Is this warning a bit over the top, or is there a reason to take it seriously?

Well, if Solomon was right when he said, “As a man thinketh, so he is,” let’s consider what the people who fancy themselves the moral conscience of America and the West actually think and say.… Continue Reading

American Education and Intellectually Bankrupt Schools

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

In a recent Washington Times column, titled “Is San Francisco the future of America?,” Lee Edwards, distinguished fellow at the B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and Politics at The Heritage Foundation, asked, “What has happened? Why is America slouching like some rough beast — not toward Bethlehem, but Gomorrah?”

This is a question we hear almost every day. “How did this happen so quickly?” It is as if we’ve have awakened from what we thought was a bad dream only to find that the nightmare is real.… Continue Reading

Pro-Human Slaughter Fanatic Kirsten Gillibrand Unfit for Office

Written by Laurie Higgins

In a recent interview with the Des Moines Register, presidential hopeful U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) was asked about her support for abortion, abortion litmus tests for judicial nominees, and the Hyde Amendment. Her responses demonstrate exactly why she is morally and intellectually unfit for the highest office in this once-great land.

Gillibrand began her interview by accusing President Trump of causing terrible “suffering” in America by “dividing us along every… religious line.”… Continue Reading

Conservative Revolution


Written by Laurie Higgins

The once appealing adjective “moderate” has become perverted by pundits and politicians. It has been twisted into an unrecognizable rhetorical weapon that in reality connotes extremism.

“Moderate” politicians are those who don’t see the product of conception between two humans as human, or alternatively, they believe incipient life is undeserving of constitutional protection. How is that moderate?

“Moderate” politicians are those who don’t believe that marriage has an inherent nature central to which is sexual differentiation, or who don’t believe the legal definition of marriage matters.… Continue Reading