Posts tagged: Planned Parenthood v. Casey

Will Roberts and Kavanaugh Stand With the Unborn or the Unjust?

Written by Terence P. Jeffrey

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, both nominated by Republican presidents, have both written absurd opinions on abortion laws.

The case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, which the U.S. Supreme Court will hear this year, could give them an opportunity to redeem themselves.

At issue in this case is a Mississippi law that bans most abortions after a baby’s 15th gestational week. The question: Can a state prohibit doctors from killing unborn babies who are not yet old enough to survive outside the womb?… Continue Reading

Joe Biden’s “Moral Fiber,” or Lack Thereof, on Abortion

Written by Adelaide Holmes

On April 14, 2020, former President Barack Obama endorsed his former Vice President and presidential candidate Joe Biden. In his video announcement, he says of Biden, “Through all his trials, he’s never once forgotten the values or the moral fiber that his parents passed on to him and that made him who he is.” But Obama is incorrect.

When it comes to the issue of abortion, Biden has evolved from the moderate he claimed to be into a radical supporter of abortion rights.… Continue Reading

Democrats: The “Post-Truth” Party

Written by Trevor Thomas

In September of 2008, U.S. Senator, vice-presidential candidate, and democrat Joe Biden was asked his thoughts—“as a Roman Catholic”—on when life begins. Demonstrating a vast ignorance of science, along with an unflattering display of faith, he told NBC’s Tom Brokaw, “Look, I know when it begins for me.” A decade later, using the same “post-truth” relativism, New York Mayor, presidential candidate, and democrat Bill de Blasio, after signing a law that allows New Yorkers to declare their chosen gender on their birth certificate, told a cheering crowd, “You be you.… Continue Reading

Good Riddance to Justice Anthony Kennedy

Written by Taylor Lewis

The U.S. Supreme Court’s longest serving justice announced his retirement shortly after casting the deciding vote on a string of decisions that were seen as wins for the conservative side of the bench. Kennedy’s stepping down didn’t come as a surprise. There have long been rumors in Washington that he was considering hanging up his robe. With a Republican-controlled Congress and White House, the timing couldn’t be better, so as to ensure his seat would be filled with someone from the right side of the ideological spectrum.… Continue Reading