Posts tagged: NBC News

Beware When Leftist Journalists Use Founders to Attack Trump

Written by Tim Graham

When the elected Democrat district attorney of Manhattan and his 12 (likely Democrat) Manhattan jurors convicted Donald Trump on artificially inflated felony counts of business accounting, you could count on leftist journalists to try to make it the Most Historic Event Ever.

We’re not even sure it won’t all be reversed on appeal. But “historic” is their word of choice … when they like the result.

In 1999, when Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about sex with an intern named Monica Lewinsky, Geraldo Rivera was furious on the “Today” show:

“It was a spiteful action, an action that they performed absolutely in violation of the framers’ intent.

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Few Still Believe In The American Dream

Written by David E. Smith

According to a recent Wall Street Journal/NORC survey, just 36% of Americans believe that “the American dream still holds true.” This figure is a significant drop from surveys taken in 2012 (when 53% of Americans believed that the American Dream remained viable) and in 2016 (when 48% of Americans believed that the American Dream was real). Furthermore, a recent NBC News survey showed that 19% were “confident that life for their children’s generation would be better than for the current one—a record low.”… Continue Reading

Open Borders: A Top National Security Threat

Written by David E. Smith

According to the far left-leaning news source, NBC News, illegal border crossings exceeded 2.7 million during the 2022 fiscal year. In their report, they claim these waves of immigrants “were driven in part by increases in the number of Venezuelans, Cubans and Nicaraguans making the trek north.” Of course that trend continues today and many conservatives believe those numbers are, in reality, much, much higher.

U.S. Representative Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) sent a video report to Fox News showing “how migrants are moving to the U.S.-Mexico… Continue Reading

¡No más mentiras! Chicago Media Finally Acknowledging City of El Paso Migrants Busing

Illinois Democrats still blame Republican governors while Biden administration implements new action

Written by John Lopez

No more lies.

Since the first buses arrived in Chicago from southern-border states in late August, both Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker (D) and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) have been publicly critical, even hinting at a criminal investigation into the actions of southern governors, in particular, Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R).  Abbott’s “Operation Lone Star” gained national attention when it started to bus illegal immigrants from the Texas-Mexico border to the self-declared “sanctuary cities” of New York City, then Washington, D.C.… Continue Reading

‘Fact-Checkers’ Find Democrats Are Truth Tellers

Written by L. Brent Bozell III

One reason many Americans don’t trust those “fact-checker” websites is because to know them is to see right through their incessantly liberal worldview. These impartial arbiters of truth routinely defend Democrats as being “Mostly True” on everything while savaging Republicans as just the opposite. It’s not just Donald Trump, mind you. It’s Ted Cruz. And Rick Santorum. And Newt Gingrich. And pretty much anyone who challenges liberal orthodoxy.… Continue Reading

Despite ‘Long Period’ of Concerns at NBC, Williams Given $50 Million Contract in Dec.


Written by Michael Warren

The unraveling of Nightly News anchor Brian Williams‘s accounts of his reporting in Iraq and Katrina-ravaged New Orleans has become a black mark on NBC News’s reputation. A detailed account in Thursday’s Washington Post of the decision to suspend Williams for six months without pay appears to demonstrate how seriously the Peacock Network has taken the newsman’s transgression—NBC Universal’s CEO Steve Burke even considered firing Williams outright.

Here’s how the Post describes it, citing anonymous NBC officials:

The suspension was the culmination of a long period of internal concerns.

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