Posts tagged: Martin O’Malley

Democratic Debate 2016: Half the Country is Crazy


Written by John Zmirak

Watching the Democrats debate Tuesday night, my first reaction was the obvious one: Dear God, half of my fellow citizens broadly agree with these maniacs — and some of them are operating airplanes I might have to fly on. I really don’t want my life in the hands of people who think that money comes out of thin air, that vast federal programs are the answer to every American’s day-to-day dilemmas, that making tuition free will improve our educational standards … the list of rotted ideas and failed policies goes on and on.… Continue Reading

Telling Moments From The First Democratic Debate


Written by Gary L. Bauer

Beyond Bernie Sanders‘ defense of socialism, two telling moments really stood out to me. Anderson Cooper asked the candidates, “Which enemy are you most proud of?” Lincoln Chafee said coal companies. Martin O’Malley said the NRA. Bernie Sanders said Wall Street.

Hillary Clinton said Iranians and, of course, Republicans. But when did she make Iran an enemy? As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton started the secret talks that led to the nuclear deal, which she supports.… Continue Reading

The 2016 Presidential Race, Explained in 4 Charts


Written by Andrew Stiles

The 2016 presidential election will feature a matchup between a white millionaire Yale graduate from the Democratic Party (Hillary Clinton) and whichever candidate emerges from the diverse Republican field.

How diverse is this year’s crop of GOP candidates? It might be the most diverse in history, regardless of party. Let’s take a look at the current state of the 2016 race, using charts to explain everything you need to know.


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Clinton Declares for Iron Throne


Written by Jed Babbin

She’s as charming as a bulldozer at full throttle. It’s hard to explain why she’s not the second coming of Richard Nixon or a female version of Vito Corleone. But here she is, again, running for the presidency, again.

We’re told her nomination is inevitable. But as former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley said, a candidate is inevitable until she’s not. She’s one of the most qualified people ever to run for president so she doesn’t need to be vetted, her pals in the media tell us.… Continue Reading

Far-Left Media Looking for a Clinton Challenger


Written by Don Irvine

There may be many in the mainstream media who are looking forward to a presidential run by Hillary Clinton, but the far-left media, which has never been crazy about Hillary, is actively seeking someone else to become the Democratic Party standard bearer in 2016, according to Politico’s Maggie Haberman and Hadas Gold.

The anti-Clinton drumbeat from the left includes, a relatively new website aimed at progressive millennials, and left-wing magazines In These Times and The Nation.… Continue Reading