Posts tagged: Mark Shaw

GOP ‘Jihad Squad’ Facebook Post Called “Racist” Political Hate Speech

Written by Timothy Dailey

The Illinois Republican County Chairmen’s Association prompted an outcry from Muslims when it posted a faux movie poster image labeling four Democratic congresswomen as “The Jihad Squad” on its Facebook page.

The post showed the four congresswomen with a tagline that read, “Political jihad is their game. If you don’t agree with their socialist ideology, you’re racist.” U.S. Reps. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Ilhaam Omar of Minnesota are shown holding guns.… Continue Reading

Salacious Scandal Leads to Scramble for New GOP Nominee

Written by Bonnie Quirke

Due to an unexpected resignation in the 51st Legislative District, which was held by State Representative Nick Sauer (R-Libertyville), Republican Lake County Chairman Mark Shaw will need to appoint a replacement.

Sauer resigned from the Illinois House after a bombshell revelation involving pornographic photos of his ex-girlfriend. Multiple sources report that Sauer created a fake Instagram account on which he posted these photos in order to lure men into graphic sexual conversations with him.Continue Reading

An Update on the Republican State Central Committee Party Leadership Vote

Written by John Biver and David E. Smith

Illinois Family Action wants to provide an update regarding the upcoming leadership vote tomorrow of the Illinois Republican State Central Committee (SCC).

The Illinois GOP SCC is the state party’s governing board, with one member chosen from each congressional district. Those elections took place last month at county party conventions across the state. Tomorrow, the SCC will meet to elect a party chairman for a four-year term.

The reason this committee and the party chairman is important is that the quality of messaging, candidate recruitment, and support are dependent on the quality of the party leaders.… Continue Reading

2016 Illinois GOP Platform Report

Written by David E. Smith 

The 2016 Illinois Republican Convention was held in Peoria this past weekend on Friday and Saturday. We are thrilled to report that leftists within the party failed to advance their agenda in the newly adopted 2016 Illinois GOP Platform.

If fact, Illinois Republicans strengthened the Right to Life plank in the platform and rejected an attempt to water down and distort the Marriage and Family plank!

THANK YOU to all of you who took time last week to contact the members of the platform committee and helped to spread the word of the attempt to subvert the Marriage and Family plank. … Continue Reading

Pat Brady and the Illinois GOP

Written by David E. Smith

This Saturday, the Republican State Central Committee (RSCC) will meet in Chicago for a regular meeting.

A few months ago, it was revealed that Pat Brady, Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, was lobbying Republican state lawmakers in favor of same-sex “marriage.”  By doing this, Pat Brady betrayed conservative family values and the Republican Platform that states:

Our laws should strongly support and celebrate the loving commitment a man and a woman make to each other in marriage.

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Illinois GOP Central Committee Cancels Meeting

Written by ,

Late Friday night, the GOP Central Committee canceled their meeting to oust Pat Brady. In an email from 10th Congressional District Committeeman Mark Shaw, the reason provided was the lack of response from Chairman Pat Brady on whether he would attend the meeting in person or by phone.

From: Mark Shaw
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2013 10:17 PM
To: Illinois Republican State Central Committee
Subject: Rescheduling of March 9, 2013 State Central Committee Meeting

Dear GOP Leaders:

The March 9, 2013 State Central Committee Meeting is being rescheduled because the State Chairman has not responded to our request that he be present in person or by telephone for the meeting.

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