Posts tagged: Jeanne Ives

The $1.3 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill: President Trump will Hear Conservatives, Unlike Governor Rauner

Written by John Biver

Many Fiscal conservatives need to be talked off the ledge since President Donald Trump signed the massive $1.3 trillion budget that Congress dumped on his desk.

Unfortunately, President Trump signed the bill, though he is listening to those who wanted him to veto it.

Trump isn’t Bruce Rauner, who claimed on election night last week that he “heard” the message 48.6% of Republican voters voiced by siding with Jeanne Ives.… Continue Reading

Primary 2018 and the Ives Campaign Post-Mortem Only Begins

Written by John Biver

Following every election cycle the analysis of the data is an Olympian event. Some of the opinions are gold medal worthy, a lot of the rest are, for the sake of those pontificating, luckily forgotten.

The only constant from one election cycle to the next is that political consultants, many of them shady to say the least, profit handsomely win or lose.

At Illinois Family Action, our look at the results of the March 20th primary have only begun.… Continue Reading

State Rep. Morrison: Vote for Jeanne Ives and Help Spread the Word!

Written by John Biver

A lot can be said in a matter of a couple of minutes as State Representative Tom Morrison demonstrates in this short video endorsing Jeanne Ives for governor.

Election day is this coming Tuesday,  and Ives is going to need every vote the pro-family community can help her get. Unlike so many primary races, this time conservatives have a genuine choice: genuine conservative Jeanne Ives or failed governor Bruce Rauner who has struck out on all 44 of his “turn around agenda” items and signed into law some of the most radical social policy legislation in the country.… Continue Reading

“Election Crunch-Time” (Illinois Family Spotlight #085)

The discussion focused on next Tuesday’s primary election, and began with Dave Smith, Laurie Higgins, and John Biver highlighting incumbent Bruce Rauner’s deceitful campaign ads attacking his opponent Jeanne Ives.

Higgins’ recent masterful article outlines the five big lies in “Rauner’s Deceitful Campaign Ads.” The claims are “absurd,” she said in the podcast, and #1 on the list, that “Ives is a career politician,” is just plain silly. As Higgins wrote:

Truth: The 53-year-old Ives began her career in the Illinois State House in January 2013, so she just completed her 5th year in Springfield.

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Republicans Were Warned About Rauner. But in 2014, They Just Wanted to Win.

Written by John Biver

In 2014, Business Insider wrote about the fact that Bruce Rauner had an extramarital affair with his current wife Diana Rauner (who was “set to be married” to another man at the time) while his wife was pregnant with their third child. It was a messy situation to say the least. Here is Elizabeth Rauner’s attorney James Feldman in one excerpt from the article:

Our client, Beth, has three small children.

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Paul Simon Institute Polls Satisfy Everyone but Illinois Citizens

Written by Pat Hickey

The Chicago Tribune writes that “The (Paul Simon Institute) survey found Bruce Rauner, the first-term governor, leading his Republican challenger, three-term state Rep. Jeanne Ives of Wheaton, 51 percent to 31 percent, with 18 percent undecided or favoring someone else.”

Before Ives’ supporters allow defeatism to creep in, here’s a word on polling from the American Association of Public Opinion Research: “[E]ven the best public opinion poll is only a snapshot of public opinion at the particular moment in time, not an eternal truth.”… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Abortion is Expanding in Illinois

Written by John Biver

Ann Scheidler, the Executive Vice President of the Pro-Life Action League, joins Monte Larrick to discuss the Sanctity of Life in Illinois.


Since HB 40 (taxpayer funding for abortion) has been enacted,  a new Planned Parenthood has popped up in Flossmoor, with an abortion clinic in the works for Rockford, with rumors of three or four additional abortion mills surfacing throughout the state.

With Republican governor Bruce Rauner signing HB 40 and permitting taxpayer funded abortions, it is expected that the number of abortions will greatly expand in Illinois.… Continue Reading

Illinois Is Already Stuck on Stupid and Doesn’t Need Dopey

Written by Pat Hickey

Polls–you know ‘scientifically conducted’ data collection, organization and dissemination that agrees most heartily with the conclusions crafted prior to research collected, organized and disseminated–have given Illinois its lofty position on what has been designated the “Right Side of History.”

The same such research sent people to the ovens in the last century and slaughtered millions of unborn American humans since 1973.

Illinois, the biggest laughing stock real estate on the continent, is usually on the “Right Side of History,” but people and businesses move away or avoid Illinois altogether.… Continue Reading

New Jeanne Ives for Governor Ad Highlights Leftist Personal PAC’s Support of Rauner

Written by John Biver

A new ad for the Jeanne Ives for Governor campaign titled “Rauner’s Friends” brings attention to the support Bruce Rauner is receiving from radical left-wing organizations like Personal PAC.

The ad points out that Personal PAC has spent four million dollars “helping Mike Madigan defeat conservatives.” Why would a pro-Madigan political action committee that opposes conservatives support a Republican governor for re-election?

The ad explains: “Personal PAC is a pro-abortion group with the history of also funding Planned Parenthood.”… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Pinocchio Rauner’s Deceptive Campaign Ads

Pinocchio Rauner has astoundingly deceitful campaign ads about campaign rival Jeanne Ives running on Fox News and appearing like stinkbugs and cockroaches in the mailboxes of the good people of Illinois. Let’s take a quick look at the putrescent propaganda that I found stinking up my mailbox…

Read more HERE.

PODCAST: Pinocchio Rauner's Deceptive Campaign Ads
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