Posts tagged: Jeanne Ives

“State of the State” (Illinois Family Spotlight #122)

This podcast features a presentation by one of Illinois’ finest: Jeanne Ives. Current State Representative Ives gave a presentation in Rockford describing where Illinois stands after the 2018 midterms and what conservatives can do in the next few years to regain control. In the second half, Jeanne fields questions from the audience.

"State of the State" (Illinois Family Spotlight #122)
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The Illinois Gubernatorial Dilemma

Written by David E. Smith

A good number of folks–especially on social media–are asking why I continue to refuse to vote for the incumbent Republican governor even in the wake of the Sam McCann betrayal. It’s pretty straight forward. I believe that Bruce Rauner is more dangerous to the conservative cause than J.B. Pritzker could ever be.

Bruce Rauner, the leader of the Illinois Republican Party, has severely damaged the conservative cause and has battered the GOP brand in inconceivable ways over the past four years.… Continue Reading

A Call to Attend the May 19th meeting of the IL GOP State Central Committee

Written by John Biver

Three Illinois conservatives who have a keen understanding of politics were asked by Illinois Family Action to comment on the upcoming meeting of the Illinois Republican Party’s State Central Committee on May 19th.

A lot is at stake — here are just two related items. First, there’s the question of the establishment’s tampering with the county party State Central Committee elections last month. The outcome of one of the races is being contested.… Continue Reading

News from the Illinois Political Front Lines: Part 2 — Conservative Energy is Growing at the Grassroots Level

Written by John Biver

Many eyes instantly glaze over at the mention of “grassroots” level politics. Conservatives who don’t look to government or the political arena for their sustenance, tend to prefer to leave the fray to others.

In Illinois, that is a problem. The fiscal and moral mess of our state doesn’t exactly attract the best and brightest into the arena. Yet our can be flipped if those silent conservatives across the state (and yes, even in Chicago) step up and join the fight.… Continue Reading

News from the Illinois Political Front Lines: Part 1 – Last Week’s GOP County Conventions

Written by John Biver

GOP County…what? Conventions? Don’t feel bad if you didn’t know about them. The tired old guard Illinois Republican Party establishment didn’t want you hear about the conventions. The attendance of rank-and-file platform-supporting Republicans in this state would not have been good for them and they knew it. In fact, in Cook county the convention was run as a closed-door session where the party rules were not followed — you can read about one example here.… Continue Reading

Long Train of Abuses: Illinois Conservatives Need to Use Their Power Especially Tomorrow

Written by John Biver

Tomorrow at Republican Party County Conventions across the state, conservatives will be engaging in the battle. I have never been more encouraged about the prospects for the success of those supporting the right policy reforms within the next few years than I am now.

When Bruce Rauner signed HB 40 and made it legal for pro-aborts to use your tax dollars to fund the murder of unborn babies, several Republican leaders in our General Assembly condemned Rauner and supported a challenger against him in the primary.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: 2018 Illinois Primary Recap (Part 2)

Illinois is NOT a Dark Blue State

Written by John Biver

On this edition of the IFA Spotlight podcast, Monte Larrick, John Biver and Dave Smith continue their discussion about the primary election last month, including the great conservative candidates down ballot, educating misinformed voters, and a summary of the results from down ballot races.

Reviewing the vote totals from the primary, the fact of the uptick in Democratic Party ballots cast versus the down tick in Republican ballots cast, Monte stated — “If you’re a Republican it sounds like we’re in big trouble in November.”… Continue Reading

“Illinois is NOT a Dark Blue State” Election Recap Part 2 (Illinois Family Spotlight #089)

On this edition of Spotlight, Monte Larrick, John Biver and David Smith continue their discussion about the primary election last month, including the great conservative candidates down ballot, educating misinformed voters, and a summary of the results from down ballot races.

Reviewing the vote totals from the primary, the fact of the uptick in Democratic Party ballots cast versus the down tick in Republican ballots cast, Monte stated — “If you’re a Republican it sounds like we’re in big trouble in November.”… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: 2018 Illinois Primary Recap (Part 1)

Written by John Biver

Monte Larrick sits down with Dave Smith and John Biver to discuss the results from the last month’s election, including voter turnout from both sides, Jeanne Ives’ narrow loss, and why we need to show up in November to help local candidates despite the two men at the top of the ballot.

While the turnout for this primary was the highest it has been since 2002, a closer look at the numbers reveals bad news for Republicans.… Continue Reading

2018 Illinois Primary Recap (Illinois Family Spotlight #088)

Monte Larrick sits down with the IFA’s Executive Director David Smith and IFA’s John Biver to discuss the results from the last month’s election, including voter turnout from both sides, Jeanne Ives’ narrow loss, and why we need to show up in November to help local candidates despite the two men at the top of the ballot.

While the turnout for this primary was the highest it has been since 2002, a closer look at the numbers reveals bad news for Republicans.… Continue Reading