Posts tagged: Islam

“A Civilizational War” (Illinois Family Spotlight #123)

Today’s episode spotlights a forum about Islam at AM 560’s Freedom Summit last November. Dr. Bill Warner and Usama Dakdok discuss the errant label Radical Islam, why Mohammed was the greatest warrior ever, and why we (as a Western Civilization) can win a civilizational war with Islam.

The second half features the question and answer period where the distinguished speakers conversed with the audience on sharia (Islamic Law) and the American Left, sharia’s growing influence in America, Islamic rape gangs in European countries and it’s legality under sharia, sharia finance, why it is imperative to get out and demonstrate, is Europe too far gone, what happens to a Muslim convert, why there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim, the difference between believing and submission in Islam, how to engage Muslim candidates, and Islam in our government schools.… Continue Reading

“Islam is Advancing in America” (Illinois Family Spotlight #109)

This edition of Spotlight features a Q&A session with a panel of three distinguished experts on Islam.

They field questions about reaching Muslims for Christ, how we can help the underground Church in Islamic countries, how we can educate ourselves on Islam, what is driving Islam in America, Islamic studies in public schools, and how important it is to VOTE in this upcoming midterm election.

Anni Cyrus was a child bride who escaped to America (legally), became a U.S.… Continue Reading

“Protecting Our Kids” (Illinois Family Spotlight #093)

Monte Larrick recently interviewed Philip Haney at the National Religious Broadcasters convention. Philip is a former Department of Homeland Security officer and congressional whistle-blower. They discussed the Parkland school attack, including government negligence, and how to prevent similar attacks.

Monte opened with the question, “what did you expose?” Here is Haney in his own words:

“During the Obama Administration I was on active duty [and] put information into the law enforcement database — we call it derogatory information — connecting the dots on two major groups: the Muslim Brotherhood, which a lot of us have heard about, and another group, Tablighi Jamaat…on terrorism and counter terrorism.”… Continue Reading

“Be Fruitful and Multiply” (Illinois Family Spotlight #087)

David Smith, the executive director of the IFI and IFA, recently sat down with Larry Jacobs, the Managing Director of World Congress of Families, and the International Organization for the Family, at a recent IOF pro-family breakfast in Rockford.

They discuss the mission of the IOF at the United Nations, the Sexual Revolution, Muslims, birth rates, and procreating, and the LORD’s command to be fruitful and multiply (Gen 1:28; Gen 9:1; Gen 35:11).

Dave Smith starts off with the big question for Larry Jacobs regarding his work — “why” do it?… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Q & A for Panel on Radical Islam and Sharia

Written by David E. Smith

In October, the Illinois Family Institute and local ACT for America Citizen leaders hosted a panel of experts to answer questions about radical Islam and Sharia in America. This panel includes Philip Haney, former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower and counter-terrorism expert; Anni Cyrus of the Glazof Gang. A child bride in her home country of Iran, abused and imprisoned as a teen, she escaped to America and now advocates for women and girls, suffering under Sharia; and Pastor Usama Dakdok, an Egyptian-born Christian who worked for four years to translate the Koran into perfect English.… Continue Reading

Islam in America (Illinois Family Spotlight #071)

In a partnership with Act for America, the Illinois Family Institute hosted an event with 3 influential personalities in the fight against Islam.

This podcast features the question and answer portion of the event in Orland Park.

The guests include Philip Haney, DHS Whistleblower and counterterrorism expert, author of “See Something, Say Nothing.”

Also, Anni Cyrus of the Glazof Gang. A child bride in her home country of Iran, abused and imprisoned as a teen, she escaped to America and now advocates for women and girls, suffering under Sharia.… Continue Reading

Why the Left Protects Islam

Written by Ben Shapiro

Richard Dawkins is no friend to conservatives. The atheist author has spent much of his life deriding Judaism and Christianity. He once stated, “An atheist is just somebody who feels about Yahweh the way any decent Christian feels about Thor or Baal or the golden calf.” Dawkins says that even moderate religious people “make the world safe for extremists.” He’s far to the left on politics: He’s pro-abortion rights, and a supporter of the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats in Britain.… Continue Reading

Willful Ignorance: House Rejects Rep. Franks’ Proposal to Study Islam

By Robert Spencer

By nine votes, 217 to 208, the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday voted down a proposal to identify “Islamic religious doctrines, concepts or schools of thought” that jihad terrorists use.

Twenty Republicans joined the solid Democratic bloc to vote down this measure, which Muslim Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN) termed “wrongheaded” and fought hard to defeat. It’s hard to believe that there would be 217 votes against understanding the ideology that motivates and incites jihad violence, but that testifies to the power of the “Islamophobia” victimhood lobby today.

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Backlash: Appropriate Only When the Liberals and Media Say It Is

Written by Jody Patterson

A “backlash” is simply a reaction to a situation, development, or political action, etc. A “backlash” maybe an adverse reaction but it can also be a just and right reaction.  “Backlashes” should not have a negative connotation for all situations; at times they are warranted and needed to enact change or justice.

The liberal/progressive groups and the media selectively “backlash” and have knee-jerk reactions when it suits their agenda. It is nauseating to see liberals and the media discuss a potential backlash against Islam in the U.S.… Continue Reading

Parents Decry Islamization in Schools Across U.S.

Written by Michael Haverluck

Pro-Islamic education is becoming a staple in public education from the Atlantic to the Pacific, where Islam is taught as a religion of peace, and those who do not embrace it as such are stigmatized as intolerant, bigots, haters or just plain ignorant – and some parents have had enough.

“In Florida … parents are protesting a newly approved textbook they say whitewashes Islam’s violent history of conquest and subjugation, while in San Diego, an angry father confronted the city’s school board about its partnership with the controversial Council on American-Islamic Relations [CAIR] in an ‘anti-bullying’ program,” WND reported.… Continue Reading