Posts tagged: Illinois

Sanctuary Cities and NGOs: Follow the MONEY! (Part II)

Written by Nancy Hayes

According to a recent report from WBEZ Chicago, there were unprecedented record numbers of illegals apprehended at the southwest border in the last week of December 2023. In fact, it was reported in the last five days of December alone that over 50,000 illegals crossed our southwest border.

One might ask: when did we decide it would be good for the U.S. to become the number one WELFARE COUNTRY in the world?… Continue Reading

BONUS: A Prayer for Illinois

Today is national day of prayer. In 1 Timothy, the apostle Paul says that “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings (should) be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”Continue Reading

Pro-Christmas, Pro-Family and Unashamed

Written by David E. Smith

For as long as I can remember, Family PAC’s Paul Caprio has strongly urged conservative candidates to send Christmas cards to primary voters in their districts. At first I thought this wasn’t the best use of campaign resources and not a very policy-centric way to communicate to would-be voters. Yet, as I considered the up-side of a pro-Christmas, pro-family mailer, I became convinced of its genius. In fact, I now believe that my initial response severely underestimated it’s importance.… Continue Reading

Freedom Initiative: We The People (Illinois Family Spotlight #272)

In this exclusive edition of Spotlight, IFI’s David Smith converses with Nick Richmond, the founder and leader of Freedom Initiative. Freedom Initiative’s mission is to “amplify concerns, educate and instill fundamental values in our growing community of parents, business owners, medical professionals and more.” Learn more about how you can become involved in your own neighborhood by visiting

Freedom Initiative: We The People (Illinois Family Spotlight #272)
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A Day With the Baileys Pt. 2 (Illinois Family Spotlight #262)

On this episode of Spotlight, Illinois Family Action presents the second half of Executive Director David Smith’s conversation with Illinois State Senator and gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey and his wife Cindy. Sen. Bailey gives us a glimpse into life on a large family farm and shares interesting information about the wealth of vital natural resources that can be found in the southern half of the state. Additionally, Bailey presents his vision and priorities for Illinois, should he be elected governor.After… Continue Reading

A Day With The Baileys (Illinois Family Spotlight #260)

Written and Produced by Jenna Smith

This episode of Spotlight features two guests that Illinois Family staff is proud to call our friends and allies: State Senator and candidate for Illinois Governor Darren Bailey and his amazing wife Cindy. If you’ve been following Illinois politics, you have doubtless heard of Senator Bailey as he has been on the front lines challenging the legalities of COVID lockdowns and fighting against government schools’ sexualization of our children.… Continue Reading

“It’s Not Education, It’s Perversion” (Illinois Family Spotlight #256)

Kirk Smith, executive director of Illinois Christian Home Educators (ICHE), wonders what will be the straw that finally breaks the camel’s back – the backs of Christian parents, even the backs of moral, non-Christian parents – when it comes to deciding to leave the cesspool of government schools? Will it be the recently passed legislation that requires availability of feminine hygiene products in both female and male school restrooms or will it be the mandate to teach hardcore sex education to public school students as early as kindergarten?… Continue Reading

“Demanding Transparency and Accountability” (Illinois Family Spotlight #252)

Those who love the darkness don’t want to come into the light. They flee like so many cockroaches to the shadows. As the Scriptures say, men loved the darkness rather than light, for fear their deeds would be exposed. Newly minted Illinois state senator (and former state representative) Darren Bailey is not one of those swamp roaches. His career in Springfield has been in exposing the utter incompetence, or the rank sinful competence exhibited by Illinois government.… Continue Reading

“Watch and Pray: Previewing the 2020 Election” (Illinois Family Spotlight #223)

Election Week is finally here! On this edition of Spotlight, IFA Media Director Monte Larrick and IFA Executive Director David Smith look back at some of the outcomes, at both the state and national level, of the 2016 general and 2018 midterm elections. They consider various hopes and goals for a second Trump administration, as well as potential changes that might arise with a Biden administration. Closer to home, David and Monte also contemplate what the future might hold for the Illinois legislature and House Speaker Michael Madigan.Continue Reading

“Pushing for Generational Change” (Illinois Family Spotlight #220)

Our election themed podcasts continue with Tom McCullagh, a GOP candidate for the Illinois 49th senate district and a candidate endorsed by Illinois Family Action. McCullagh is one of those highly qualified men running to represent his district against the radical regression Leftists are pushing on Illinois. He joins Monte Larrick and David Smith to discuss the 2020 election and how important it is to the future of neighborhoods, the nation, and all the spheres in between.… Continue Reading