Posts tagged: Hans von Spakovsky

SCOTUS Missed Opportunity to Uphold Freedom of Speech

Written by Robert Knight

The U.S. Supreme Court works in strange and mysterious ways.

It can enrage the progressive left with a solidly constitutional ruling like Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022), which overturned Roe v. Wade and sent the issue of abortion to the states.

But it can also amaze and frustrate conservatives, as when it refused before and after the 2020 election to review Pennsylvania officials’ unconstitutional changes to election procedures.

“We failed to settle this dispute before the election and thus provide clear rules.… Continue Reading

Vote Fraud Panel Frightens the Left

Written by Robert Knight

Judging by the unhinged reaction this past week to the first public meeting of President Trump’s blue-ribbon voter fraud panel, progressives are terrified.

They’re fearful that these election experts are actually going to do the job they’ve been given – uncovering the extent to which the nation’s voter rolls are vulnerable to fraudulent activity. How else to explain the panic and shots fired before the commission even met?

“This is such a threat to democracy, this commission, this voter suppression commission,” huffed MSNBC analyst and Daily Beast columnist Jonathan Alter on MTP Daily (Meet the Press Daily).… Continue Reading

The ACLU’s Transparent Attack on the Election Integrity Panel

Written by Robert Knight

If you don’t think the Left is terrified by the prospect of clean voter rolls, you might not have heard about the latest ploy by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

The ACLU has sued President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, charging them with violating federal “transparency” laws.

The suit is a bald attempt to halt the panel’s mission, which is to examine the prevalence of vote fraud in America and to recommend ways to secure the election process.… Continue Reading

Report Finds Thousands of Non-Citizens Were on Voter Rolls in Virginia

Written by Rachel Del Guidice

A conservative legal organization has uncovered that Virginia election officials removed thousands of voters between 2011 and May 2017.

In a report released Tuesday, the Public Interest Legal Foundation, a conservative legal group, found 5,556 voters were removed because they were noncitizens and that one-third of the removed citizens voted illegally.

Hans von Spakovsky, a senior research fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a board member of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, told The Daily Signal in an email that the findings of the report are alarming.… Continue Reading

Dump Lax Election Enforcement, Not Electoral College


Written by Robert Knight

It looks like Hillary Clinton will finish with slightly more popular votes than President-elect Donald Trump, who won a clear majority of Electoral votes [two weeks ago].

Predictably, Democrats are clamoring to abolish the Electoral College, which the Founders created as part of the separation of powers and a hedge against mob rule.

Big states with large cities dominated by Democrats are disadvantaged by the winner-take-all rules, the Dems argue. California, New York and Illinois went big for Mrs.… Continue Reading