Posts tagged: Gun control

10 Ways Trump Can Push Law and Order – and Make it Stick

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Tweeting out “Law and Order!” every few days with an exclamation mark is OK, but it’s little solace to this country when we are actually suffering from the most widespread and protracted period of anarchy and violence in the modern era. It’s time for President Donald Trump to act on law and order, push a winning legislative and budgetary agenda with safety and security as its cornerstone, and communicate those ideas every day to the silent majority looking to the president to fight back.… Continue Reading

Weasel of the Week: Educrat Arne Duncan

Written by Michelle Malkin

Educrat (ED-yoo-krat) noun, usually pejorative. A government school official or administrator whose primary function is to spend tax dollars telling other parents what to do with their children.

Beltway education bureaucrats abhor families who choose to keep their kids out of public schools — unless it’s to grandstand over gun control.

Behold Arne Duncan, longtime pal of Barack Obama and former U.S. Department of Education secretary, who called last weekend for parents nationwide to withdraw students from classes “until gun laws [are] changed to keep them safe.”… Continue Reading

When Ideology Collides with Good School Governance

Written by R.B.A. DiMuccio

Should schools be focused on providing children with a good education in a safe environment or should they be laboratories of partisan political agitation? The answer, of course, should be obvious. The National School Boards Association states that “education is not a line item in your school board’s budget, it’s the only item.” The principles of “governance and leadership,” such as those articulated by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, make no allowance for focusing on anything other than educating children.… Continue Reading

Terrorists, Like Other Criminals, Defy the Rules


Written by Michael Medved

Donald Trump supports the idea that immigration and customs officials should ask any migrants or visitors to our country whether they’re Muslim, and if they are Muslims, they should be denied entry.

Why would this make us safer against potential terrorists?

If an extremist plans to perpetrate violence against America and Americans, he (or she) would certainly be willing to lie about his religious affiliation. As former anti-terror prosecutor Andrew McCarthy makes clear, the only people who’d be hurt by asking Muslims to identify themselves, or to register with the government based on their religious faith, would be law-abiding Muslims.… Continue Reading