Posts tagged: Democratic Party

Trump and America Vs. the Commie Quad Squad

Written by David Limbaugh

In one sense, the Commie Quad Squad (CQS) has done us all a favor by flushing out the extremism of the Democratic Party for conspicuous public display.

U.S. House Leader Nancy Pelosi is quaking in her boots, realizing that it is getting increasingly difficult to hide her party’s radicalism from American voters, many of whom still cling to the fantasy that the Democratic Party is predominantly pro-American.

Pelosi at least has the sense to know this extremism won’t play well in national elections — even today — and she is struggling to cover it up.… Continue Reading

The Democrats’ Open Border Campaign Strategy

Written by Robert Knight

So, here’s the Democrats’ plan: Flood America’s southern border with millions of illegal aliens, hook them on government aid and eventually turn them into voters. It can’t be more obvious anymore.

Use the courts to strike down any attempts to secure the border.  Have judges rule against election integrity laws like voter ID or even the commonsense question about citizenship in the 2020 national census. Once the census count is in, grant more congressional districts and federal funds to jurisdictions swelled with illegals.… Continue Reading

How Weasel Words Pave the Road to Hell

Written by Robert Knight

We are awash in weasel words. That is, euphemisms meant to distract us from reality.  The most obvious ones are replacing homosexuality with “gay,” taxes with “revenue,” spending with “investments,” sexual confusion with “gender identity,” and abortion with “choice.” Actually, abortion has a whole set of weasel terms.

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker drew “whoops and cheers” from onlookers on June 12 as he signed The Reproductive Health Act, which he called “a beacon of hope in the heart of this nation.”  … Continue Reading

The Party of No

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Another week in the news, and it is now irrefutable. The Democratic Party has officially lost its mind. The “progressive” left is truly mad.

This party — the Democratic Party — a party that for decades was led by some of our nation’s greats; men like FDR, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy and LBJ; a party that defended America against the aggression of the Empire of the Rising Sun, a party that stood resolute in the face of the evils of Nazi socialism; a party that stopped the global incrementalism of the USSR; a party that fought the barbarism of Ho Chi Minh; this party — the Democratic Party — is now a party without sanity and without a soul.… Continue Reading

Understanding Fake News

Written by Carmel Kookogey

Tuesday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin explained why he believes the media is the most important issue facing Americans today.

Levin read from an article he discusses in his upcoming book, “Unfreedom of the Press.” The article, written after the 2016 election by CBS News digital political correspondent Will Rahn, detailed D.C. journalists’ anguish after Donald Trump’s victory. The reporter admitted the mainstream media missed the story, while smugly mocking the people — Trump’s supporters — who knew better what was going on.… Continue Reading

The Siren Call of Pete Buttigieg

Written by Timothy J. Dailey

When Pete Buttigieg, the little-known mayor of South Bend, Indiana, announced his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination, he stunned the political world with his meteoric rise in the polls.  Buttigieg was everywhere in the news and on television, thanks to a savvy campaign team that included political operative Lis Smith, who boasted, “I want him on everything.”  In a month, he had raised 7 million dollars, a significant sum for a political nobody starting from scratch in a national campaign.… Continue Reading

On Trump, Democrats, and Socialism

Written by Dr. Paul G. Kengor

I published a piece recently on the reaction to President Trump’s condemnation of socialism in his State of the Union. He said something indisputably factual and indubitably obvious to most Americans: “Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.”

It was a revealing moment not only for President Trump but also for the Democratic Party.… Continue Reading

Cognitive Bias and the Democrats

Written by Walker Wildmon

According to, “a cognitive bias is a mistake in reasoning, evaluating, remembering, or other cognitive process, often occurring as a result of holding onto one’s preferences and beliefs regardless of contrary information. Psychologists study cognitive biases as they relate to memory, reasoning, and decision-making.”

The modern day Democratic Party seems to be full of members who struggle with a form of cognitive bias. Look at their behavior.

For over two years, Democrats have accused President Donald J.Continue Reading

Truth and Love or Hate?

Written by Rev. Calvin Lindstrom

I am a pastor and board member of Illinois Family Action (IFA). I am happy to serve with IFA because I believe that Christian principles have an application for politics and society. Man’s main problem is not political. All men and women enter the world as sinners and need a Savior and salvation. The main thrust of God’s Word is to show the only way of salvation that is found in Jesus Christ, but God’s Word also gives guidance and direction to families and civil governments.… Continue Reading

Joe Biden’s Pathetic Pandering

Written by David Limbaugh

Joe Biden has reached new heights of pandering. He has achieved the Olympic gold in cultural groveling. He must really want to be president.

I am always amazed that people think Biden is so transparent and genuine. Yes, he shoots his mouth off before thinking sometimes, as we all do, but way more than a high-profile public official should. But that’s more a function of his impulsiveness and arrogance than his authenticity.… Continue Reading