Posts tagged: David Smith

SPOTLIGHT: Jeanne Ives on the Importance of the Lesser Magistrate

Written by David E. Smith

Where do we go from here? Our state is currently suffocating under the weight of massive debt and failed Democratic policies. Yet, former state representative Jeanne Ives says there is hope for Illinois conservatives. She suggests the Republican Party focus on promoting truth, electing conservatives to local governing bodies and boards, and insisting on competency from candidates and government – some TLC, if you will. Jeanne also details the three big issues on which Republicans must stand in unity and gives insight on the compensation Illinois taxpayers pay our public “servants” (warning, you might need to monitor your blood pressure).… Continue Reading

“Passing The Buck: The Demand for Principled Lesser Magistrates” (Illinois Family Spotlight #235)

Where do we go from here? Our state is currently suffocating under the weight of massive debt and failed Democratic policies. Yet, former state representative Jeanne Ives says there is hope for Illinois conservatives. She suggests the Republican Party focus on promoting truth, electing conservatives to local governing bodies and boards, and insisting on competency from candidates and government – some TLC, if you will. Jeanne also details the three big issues on which Republicans must stand in unity and gives insight on the compensation Illinois taxpayers pay our public “servants” (warning, you might need to monitor your blood pressure).… Continue Reading

“Watch and Pray: Previewing the 2020 Election” (Illinois Family Spotlight #223)

Election Week is finally here! On this edition of Spotlight, IFA Media Director Monte Larrick and IFA Executive Director David Smith look back at some of the outcomes, at both the state and national level, of the 2016 general and 2018 midterm elections. They consider various hopes and goals for a second Trump administration, as well as potential changes that might arise with a Biden administration. Closer to home, David and Monte also contemplate what the future might hold for the Illinois legislature and House Speaker Michael Madigan.Continue Reading

“Pushing for Generational Change” (Illinois Family Spotlight #220)

Our election themed podcasts continue with Tom McCullagh, a GOP candidate for the Illinois 49th senate district and a candidate endorsed by Illinois Family Action. McCullagh is one of those highly qualified men running to represent his district against the radical regression Leftists are pushing on Illinois. He joins Monte Larrick and David Smith to discuss the 2020 election and how important it is to the future of neighborhoods, the nation, and all the spheres in between.… Continue Reading

Rally for Jesus Part I (Illinois Family Spotlight #213)

A few dozen Christians met to Rally for Jesus outside Calvary Church in Orland Park in mid-August. Many Christian leaders spoke and prayed during this rally, and this edition of spotlight is the first of a series of highlights from the event. Spotlight 213 features IFI and IFA Executive Director David E. Smith, and current 109th state representative and 55th state senate candidate Darren Bailey.

A big thank you to Calvary Church and Pastor Ron Citlau for hosting this rally.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Black Families Matter (Part 1)

Written by Benjamin Smith

The Black Lives Matter movement is a shallow movement, one which has taken up a sledgehammer to address a complex problem in need of a more skillful approach. Speaking at a Black Families Matter rally held in Flossmoor (in front of Southland Smiles Dental and across from the new Planned Parenthood facility), Rev. Dr. Eric Wallace stressed that while black lives, white lives, all lives matter, what is foundational and truly vital to our nation right now are strong families parented by a mom and a dad.… Continue Reading

“Parental Rights, Religious Liberty and American History” (Illinois Family Spotlight #187)

Latasha Fields, founder and director of CHESS – Christian Home Educators Support System, joins IFI executive director David Smith on this edition of Spotlight. In the first half of the podcast, David and Latasha discuss egregious legislation pending in the Illinois General Assembly that aims to eviscerate parental rights and eliminate religious liberty.

State Representative Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston) recently introduced HB 4870 would mandate the HPV vaccination for ALL Illinois students at the 6th grade level.… Continue Reading

“BOLD As A Lion” (Illinois Family Spotlight #179)

IFI and IFA’s executive director David Smith’s speech at the annual IFI Fall banquet is presented on this spotlight. During this “Bold as a Lion” themed banquet, Dave talked about Christians needing to be bolder in the public square in the face of increasing pressure from the radical left. He also gave his opinion of Trump’s presidency to date, the seemingly insurmountable odds against pro-family advocates, an encouragement from scripture, a vision for the future of the Illinois Family organizations, and a little pep-talk towards the end.… Continue Reading

“They Went Out From Us, But Not Of Us” (Illinois Family Spotlight #162)

This episode features the second part of Calvin Lindstrom’s conversation with Monte Larrick and David Smith about education. They also address the dramatic collapse of some rather high-profile Christian leaders in the recent past, and the shift from biblical principles in some national churches.

"They Went Out From Us, But Not Of Us" (Illinois Family Spotlight #162)
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How Regressive Legislation Forms Cultural Norms About Key Issues (Illinois Family Spotlight #160)

During this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight, Calvin Lindstrom joins Dave Smith and Monte Larrick at the IFA home studio to discuss the advent of legal pot and what communities can do about it county-wide, Christian influence in areas other than legislative battles, the nuts and bolts of LGBTQ+ history in schools, the importance of Christian private schools, and starting and maintaining Christian schools.

Pastor Calvin Lindstrom is the principal at Christian Liberty Academy and the Church of Christian Liberty in Arlington Heights and is also an IFA board member.… Continue Reading