Posts tagged: COVID–19

Leftist Authoritarians Push Their Values By Any Means Necessary

Written by Robert Knight

Last Thursday, Joe Biden dropped the hammer on “the unvaxed,” ordering large companies and government agencies to force employees to get the shots or face weekly tests.  Thus, he broke yet another pledge – never to make the shots mandatory.

If a reporter ever bothers to question him about the edict’s constitutionality, he can recycle Nancy Pelosi’s response regarding whether Obamacare was constitutional: “Are you kidding? Are you kidding?”

While the nation reels in the grip of authoritarians who love coercion, only one side is consistently accused of imposing its values on others.… Continue Reading

Widening Reality Gap Between Biden’s Elites And The ‘Working Class’

Written by Robert Knight

“Republicans finally have an issue on which they can legitimately criticize President Biden.”


Thus wrote “conservative” Washington Post columnist Max Boot about Mr. Biden’s Afghanistan disaster.  This implies that Mr. Boot has only now discovered a chink in Joe’s media-sealed, invisible armor.

Mr. Boot and like-minded elites are a bit disturbed by the Afghanistan debacle. But they are apparently fine with Mr. Biden’s sending gasoline prices soaring and abandoning the defense of our southern border.… Continue Reading

The Explosive Growth of Homeschooling

Written by Emily Burke

Parents are taking their children’s education into their own hands in record numbers after a disastrously tumultuous school year.

The U.S. Census Bureau’s experimental Household Pulse Survey, which is an online survey recording social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrates a dramatic shift towards homeschooling within the past year and a half. The survey included roughly 22–23 million American households spanning from the spring of 2020 to the fall of 2021.… Continue Reading

Living In The Liberal Media’s ‘Twilight Zone’

Written by Robert Knight

We’re so far beyond media bias that we’ve entered the Twilight Zone, where nothing is as it seems.

Imagine, if you will, a secure border.  You can because the media are blacking out the reality. Hundreds of thousands of illegals are streaming into the United States and are being bused around the country. Despite the extreme severity of the crisis and its implications for America’s future, TV network coverage of the border has plummeted 96 percent since March, according to the Media Research Center.… Continue Reading

The COVID-19 Rise of Deception and Tyranny

Written by Robert Knight

If nothing else, the pandemic has exposed the contempt that government health officials, the Democrats and their media have for the public.

They routinely cover up real scandals and lie by omission. Their thirst for power and coercion is bottomless. Often, the untold story is so damaging that its retelling is suppressed.

For nearly two years, the media and Big Tech actively censored any discussions about the possibility of the Wuhan virus having come from the military-run bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China.… Continue Reading

The COVID-19 War On Children

Written by Robert Knight

Last October, the District of Columbia passed a law allowing health officials to vaccinate children as young as 11 without their parent’s knowledge or permission. Seriously.

You probably didn’t hear about this. The media avoid covering topics that might arouse the citizenry to reassert their constitutional and parental rights. How about the CDC’s recommendation to mask any child over two years old? Not big news.

Can’t you see newly empowered health police patrolling playgrounds to make sure all toddlers are masked?… Continue Reading

NFL Salutes Woke Culture

Written by Robert Knight

Five years ago, on Sept. 11, 2016, the National Football League unveiled a remarkable two-minute video, “Football Is America.” Featuring well-known black and white players, the video saluted the military, first responders, and the idea of e Pluribus Unum – out of many, one. They didn’t actually use the phrase, but it was clearly the message.

Football, the players said, was a great healing agent following the horror of the 9/11 terrorist attack 15 years earlier.… Continue Reading

CNN’S Lemon of a Town Hall Meeting

Written by Tim Graham

CNN became apoplectic whenever former President Donald Trump called them “fake news,” but on July 21, they offered President Joe Biden a nationally televised boost that can accurately be described as a “fake town hall.”

A real town hall would sell tickets in a city like Cincinnati and let the locals mix it up with the president and ask him whatever was on their minds. That’s not what CNN did. It was an “invitation only” audience, which means nobody boos or laughs at inappropriate times.… Continue Reading

Biden’s Baleful Border Betrayal

Written by David Limbaugh

Is there anything the left won’t blame on their fantastical scapegoat, climate change? Don’t bet on it. Their latest dodge is blaming the border crisis, which they created, on the climate crisis, which they invented.

A Politico article is headlined, “It’s Not a Border Crisis. It’s a Climate Crisis.” That’s a convenient twofer. Never let an opportunity to blame a crisis on climate change go to waste. Well played.

But to the left, I guess the border catastrophe isn’t a crisis.… Continue Reading

BLM’s Legacy a Year Later: Terror on America’s Streets

Written by Daniel Horowitz

This week, the Biden White House hosted the family of George Floyd to mark the one-year anniversary of his death in police custody. His brother, Philonise, expressed hope that things are “slowly” moving in the right direction and that they are “making progress” in their war on cops. However, what is not going in the right direction is justice for victims of crime thanks to the agenda spawned by their movement.

Thanks to the pandemic and less social mobility, crime has been decreasing in most countries.… Continue Reading