Posts tagged: Calvin Coolidge

Calvin Coolidge on The Declaration of Independence

The following text is perhaps one of the most insightful appreciations of the Declaration ever pronounced. President Calvin Coolidge gave this speech in Philadelphia on July 5, 1926, marking the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. We hope you will find it encouraging.

‘If All Men Are Created Equal, That Is Final’

“If we are to maintain the great heritage which has been bequeathed to us,
we must be like-minded as the fathers who created it.”
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America Was Not Founded By Atheists And Deists

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Last week, I wrote an article about the recent research of George Barna, who has concluded that America’s religion is no longer one of orthodox belief but rather a new syncretistic faith that he called moralistic therapeutic deism – a nonjudgmental don’t-worry-be-happy “fake Christianity” where self-actualization and personal affirmation are now our highest goods. The result of my article? My critics came unglued.

“First and foremost, you need to get your facts straight,” said one.… Continue Reading

Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett Deal Crushing Blow to Religious Liberty

Written by Daniel Horowitz

James Madison once wroteGovernment is instituted to protect property of every sort” and that “conscience is the most sacred of all property.” Yet just before July 4 weekend, the U.S. Supreme Court, by denying an appeal in an important religious liberty case, has essentially abrogated both property and conscience rights, as well as the right to use one’s own property in accordance with deeply held religious beliefs. So much for self-evident truths, inalienable rights, and the institution of government to secure these rights.… Continue Reading

The Difference Between Washington’s Birthday and ‘Presidents’ Day’ is the Difference Between Liberty and Tyranny

Written by Daniel Horowitz

No, we are not celebrating Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Woodrow Wilson, or Millard Fillmore this week. We are supposed to be celebrating George Washington. In other words, we are not celebrating the majestic power of the chief executive of the United States government in the abstract, but the humble leadership of one man who, until recently, successfully set the precedent of the presidency being wielded as an office of limited power rather than the power of a king.… Continue Reading

How to Restore Our Constitutional Foundation

Written by E. Jeffrey Ludwig

By the end of World War II, the beautiful foundational ideas and ideals of our constitutional republic had already been significantly undermined by the Democratic Party. The two pillars of our constitutional republic, federalism and checks and balances among our three branches of government, were being disrupted and distorted. The distortions expressed by so-called progressivism had begun the transformation of our political and economic system, especially under Woodrow Wilson and the Democrat Party, and intensified under the policies and programs of the New Deal.… Continue Reading

Early Presidential Prospects


Written by Thomas Sowell

The more optimistic among us may hope that the Republicans will nominate somebody who stands for something, rather than the bland leading the bland — the kind of candidates the Republican establishment seems to prefer, even if the voters don’t.

With 2015 just getting under way, the buzz of political activity makes it seem almost as if we are already in the midst of the 2016 presidential campaign.

Among the Democrats, Hillary Clinton is honing her message to appeal to the mindset of the left wing of her party, whose support she will need in her second attempt to get the nomination as the Democrats’ presidential candidate in 2016.… Continue Reading