Posts tagged: BuzzFeed

CNN Should Shut up About ‘Misinformation’

Written by Tim Graham

Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy, CNN’s in-house cheerleaders for censoring or squelching conservative media outlets, celebrated a letter in which Democrats on the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee pressed TV providers to punish right-wing spreaders of so-called “misinformation.”

California U.S. Representatives Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerney asked, “What moral or ethical principles (including those related to journalistic integrity, violence, medical information, and public health) do you apply in deciding which channels to carry or when to take adverse actions against a channel?”… Continue Reading

Does the Media Deserve to Be Respected and Believed?

Written by Michael Barone

Is it true that Donald Trump’s bad habits are contagious? Is it true that his Democratic opponents and, even more, his critics in the press are increasingly given to terminological inexactitudes, if not downright lies?

Sure looks like it. Last week, large parts of the press — we’re looking at you, CNN and MSNBC — were gleefully reporting and commenting on the BuzzFeed story about President Trump having allegedly ordered his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to members of special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s staff.… Continue Reading

YouTube Is Fighting against Scientific Inquiry and the Expansion of Human Knowledge

Written by William Balgord And E. Calvin Beisner 

Curiously, the mainstream media seem to have ignored the story, but it’s an important one. Buzzfeed reported August 7 that “YouTube Is Fighting Back Against Climate Misinformation.”

As of July 9, “YouTube is now adding fact checks to videos that question climate change … as a part of its ongoing effort to combat the rampant misinformation and conspiratorial fodder on its platform.”

But neither YouTube nor Wikipedia, the source of its “fact check,” is qualified to function as unassailable arbiter calling balls and strikes over what is or isn’t fact in any given field of human inquiry.… Continue Reading

The Diversity Police Went Too Far In Attacking HGTV’s ‘Fixer Uppers’


Written by Dr. Michael Brown

For years I have said that gay activists and their allies would overplay their hand and that their bullying would backfire. It is happening today in front of our eyes as a Christian couple, Chip and Joanna Gaines, who recently graced the cover of People magazine, is now being attacked simply for attending a Christian church. Oh, the thought of it!

Yes, if you are a public figure and you attend a church that preaches that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and you actually believe that homosexuals can be changed by the power of the gospel, you should be shamed, ridiculed, and perhaps even fired.… Continue Reading