Posts tagged: Barack Obama

Media Bias on Snooping Benefits Obama over Trump

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Written by Robert Knight

A week ago, President Trump unleashed a media firestorm when he accused former President Barack Obama in a tweet of wiretapping Trump Tower in New York.

The standard portrayal: Once again, the president has shot from the hip, right into his foot, “without any evidence” whatever.

These are the same media that excitedly accused the Russians of “hacking the election,” based on a report from the CIA, FBI and NSA in early January while Mr.… Continue Reading

4 Likes, 2 Dislikes from Trump’s First 50 Days

Written by Jon Schweppe

Generally, the first 50 days of the Trump Administration have been an absolute joy to watch. The media and the Left have been apoplectic as President Donald J. Trump largely honors his campaign promises and does exactly what he said he would do. Truthfully, Trump has been everything we hoped he would be and more.

Still, that’s not to say there haven’t been some disappointments. Here are four things I like and two things I dislike from the first 50 days:

Like: U.S.

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How Taxpayers Fund Anti-Trump Protests

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Written by Cliff Kincaid

On “Fox & Friends,” President Donald Trump declared, in regard to the protests against him, “I think that President Obama’s behind it because his people are certainly behind it.” Once again, Trump has struck gold. It’s “gold” in the form of taxpayer money. In addition to funding from billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros, we find a federal financial connection to some of the anti-Trump protests.

The good news for Trump in this case is that his administration, supported by Republicans in Congress, can cut off the federal money.… Continue Reading

New DNC Chairman Picks Ellison as Deputy Chair

Newly-elected DNC chairman Tom Perez and Deputy chairman U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison

Written by Michael F. Haverluck

After falling only one vote short on the first ballot, Tom Perez was able to secure his victory in the second round of voting and expressed his optimism for the Democratic Party shortly after the news broke.

“We are at a turning point for our party and for all Americans,” Perez announced, according to Townhall. “By getting back to basics, we can turn the Democratic Party around, take the fight to [President] Donald Trump, and win elections from school board to the Senate.”… Continue Reading

Barack Obama’s Deplorable Race Relations Legacy


Written by Steve McCann

A recent phenomenon in American politics amid the conclaves of the media and academic elites is the stultifying debate over an outgoing president’s so-called “Legacy.”  The nation now finds itself embroiled in this conversation as none other than Barack Obama, by his innumerable self-serving speeches, countless appearances on a multitude of media platforms and myriad gatherings with fawning supporters, has attempted to establish a positive spin on his legacy.  He has far exceeded anything the previous occupants of the Oval Office have done to reinforce their image as they leave the White House behind. … Continue Reading

U.S. Senators Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham Unveil Bill to Defund UN


Written by Michael Qazvini

U.S. Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) hit the morning television circuit Thursday to unveil their new bill to defund the United Nations.

Standing shoulder to shoulder and smiling, the two national security-minded lawmakers appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and Fox News’ Fox and Friends to detail a plan that would block taxpayer dollars from funding the corrupt international body.

In citing last month’s egregious anti-Israel UN Security Resolutions as a major source of dismay in the senate, they drew a clear ideological line in the sand between the Obama administration and Congress.… Continue Reading

The Pathetic End of the Obama Era

Written by Michael Brendan Dougherty

Barack Obama came into the White House in a cloud of glory and optimism.

He defined the problems that the nation faced in his first inaugural address. First, the nation was at war with a network of violence and hatred. Second, our economy was badly weakened. Homes were lost, and businesses shuttered. Health care was too expensive. Schools failed their students. And finally, “less measurable, but no less profound, is a sapping of confidence across our land; a nagging fear that America’s decline is inevitable.”… Continue Reading

Obama Runs $100M Vacation Tab on Taxpayers


Written by Michael F. Haverluck

President Barack Obama’s legacy of running up the tab for taxpayers during his family’s exorbitant and frequent vacations is projected to reach an excess of $100 million before the close of his two terms as president – putting a strain on the economy, military ad Secret Service.

As the Obamas finish up nearly two weeks of vacation in Hawaii over the holidays – with their White House stay coming to an end – the president’s hypocrisy is becoming increasingly evident.… Continue Reading

“The Pro-Life Wish List” (Illinois Family Spotlight #021)

il_family-spotlight_125x125Pro-lifers control the House of Representatives. Pro-lifers control the Senate. This month, the Presidency will be taken by a man who promises to support the pro-life movement. What will pro-lifers do with this growth in influence? Jill Stanek of the Susan B. Anthony List joins the show to discuss short term and long term plans for advancing pro-life legislation.

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"The Pro-Life Wish List" (Illinois Family Spotlight #021)
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“Kids These Days…” (Illinois Family Spotlight #020)


Monte and Dave are joined by Andrew Willis and John Kristof, Junior Fellows at the Illinois Family Institute. The two take their experiences at secular and Christian universities to express what it means to be a young Christian conservative today, and they discuss how millennials interact with politics and society.

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"Kids These Days..." (Illinois Family Spotlight #020)
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