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The Illinois Family Spotlight podcast will highlight a specific cultural or political issue of which our listeners should be aware. Our discussions will be informed by a biblical worldview that will help expose the lies and distortions promulgated within secular culture. We will be interviewing policy experts and scholars whose knowledge and insights will help listeners form a wiser worldview.


Category: Spotlight

“God’s Own Country” (Illinois Family Spotlight #215)

This week on Spotlight, Monte Larrick and I are pleased to welcome Max Solomon, Republican candidate for State Representative for the 38th District. Max was born in Nigeria and is now a proud U.S. citizen. He shares his motivation and desire to represent the people in his district, explains how his Christian faith and pro-life, pro-family conservative views and values will inform his public service, and identifies some of the issues he hopes to address if he is elected to the Illinois House of Representatives.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Trump Ceases Federal Funding of Racist Critical Theory Propaganda

Written by Laurie Higgins

Totalitarians and other assorted radicals in America and around the world are fervently hoping Joe Biden will be elected. Communists, Marxists, anarcho-communists, radical Islamists, “trans”-cultists, homosexual activists, feticidal feminists, climate doom-mongers, and Critical Theory racists are cheering attacks on private property, public peace, historical monuments, and American founding principles while spending their days until the election filling balloons with feces and urine to throw at police.

They’re hoping for a Kamala Harris/Biden victory so they can strengthen their iron grip on American institutions and brass-knuckled destruction of our foundational principles.… Continue Reading

Rally for Jesus Part II (Illinois Family Spotlight #214)

If you’re in need of encouragement (and truly, who among us isn’t), this edition of Spotlight will speak to your soul as we feature more prayer and exhortation from the recent Rally for Jesus. Rev. Ron Citlau references 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 as a model for Christians to engage with the world and strengthen the Church.

After the break, Rev. Ceasar LeFlore encourages us to claim the peace that Jesus promises to His followers and he passionately asks us to consider how the righteous people of God should respond when the foundations of our nation – truth, righteousness, sanctity of life, and family – are being destroyed.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Cancel Culture Snuffs Out Ideas Norms Structures and Lives

“Cancel culture” emerged from the arrogant, ignorant 1960s when the parasites of Communism, the black power movement, the feminist movement, and the sexual revolution took root in their host, the Boomer generation, who went on to assume positions of power within government and the propaganda wing of government, academia, which passed on the ever-mutating parasites.

The father of lies deceived unbelievers into embracing Communism, which advanced covetousness and classism—i.e., bitter class warfare. He used the radical black power movement to advance racism, i.e.,… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Traitorous Mission of “Romney4Biden”

Written by Laurie Higgins

Not surprisingly, quisling Mitt Romney has spawned a quisling movement. About 140 quislings and quislingettes have started an organization called Quislings4Biden Romney4Biden. They use deceitful language in an attempt to ennoble their defection to the dark side of the Biden campaign, which is operating fearfully from Biden’s darkened basement where the flickering light from his dimming mind slowly burns out.

In their mission statement, the quislings begin by blaming the deaths of Americans from the lethal virus whose escape from a Chinese Communist lab was concealed by the Chinese Communist government in cahoots with the World Health Organization so the Chinese Communists could scarf up PPE and ventilators before the rest of the world could get any.… Continue Reading

Rally for Jesus Part I (Illinois Family Spotlight #213)

A few dozen Christians met to Rally for Jesus outside Calvary Church in Orland Park in mid-August. Many Christian leaders spoke and prayed during this rally, and this edition of spotlight is the first of a series of highlights from the event. Spotlight 213 features IFI and IFA Executive Director David E. Smith, and current 109th state representative and 55th state senate candidate Darren Bailey.

A big thank you to Calvary Church and Pastor Ron Citlau for hosting this rally.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: RINOs and Never-Trumpers Help Leftists Destroy America

In the past year, we saw anarchists savagely beat innocent people in the street; take control of city blocks; incinerate police precincts; burn Bibles; attack churches;  loot businesses; tear down federal monuments; deface public property; and parade naked in front of, hurl obscenities at, and even assault police officers. We saw….

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PODCAST: RINOs and Never-Trumpers Help Leftists Destroy America
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PODCAST: The Obamas’ Shameless Humbuggery and Hubris

Written by Laurie Higgins

At the Democratic National Convention on Monday night, perhaps the most popular living demagogue, Michelle Obama, a woman gifted at the art of deception, delivered a deceitful polemic with the theatrical skill of her best Hollywood pals. Then on Wednesday night, her oily husband, equally full of hubris and skilled at humbuggery repeated the same old, same old, becoming the first president in modern history with an ego so huge it impelled him to swagger onto the national stage with teeth bared and claws unsheathed, and armed with the audacity of revenge.… Continue Reading

“Black Families Matter, Part 2” (Illinois Family Spotlight #212)

Spotlight revisits the recent Black Families Matter rally that was held in south suburban Flossmoor, right next door to the Planned Parenthood abortion center. Latasha Fields delivers a passionate, well-reasoned, and biblically based call for Christian parents to stop advocating for public education and instead take personal responsibility for their children’s instruction. She also addresses the destructive agenda and influence of groups such as Black Lives Matter at School and the New York Times 1619 Project’s K-12 Black History Curriculum in government schools – and their intent to undermine and dismantle the Black nuclear family.… Continue Reading

Black Families Matter, Part 1 (Illinois Family Spotlight #211)

The Black Lives Matter movement is a shallow movement, one which has taken up a sledgehammer to address a complex problem in need of a more skillful approach. Speaking at a Black Families Matter rally held in Flossmoor (in front of Southland Smiles Dental and across from the new Planned Parenthood facility), Rev. Dr. Eric Wallace stressed that while black lives, white lives, all lives matter, what is foundational and truly vital to our nation right now are strong families parented by a mom and a dad.… Continue Reading