PODCAST: Traitorous Mission of “Romney4Biden”

Written by Laurie Higgins

Not surprisingly, quisling Mitt Romney has spawned a quisling movement. About 140 quislings and quislingettes have started an organization called Quislings4Biden Romney4Biden. They use deceitful language in an attempt to ennoble their defection to the dark side of the Biden campaign, which is operating fearfully from Biden’s darkened basement where the flickering light from his dimming mind slowly burns out.

In their mission statement, the quislings begin by blaming the deaths of Americans from the lethal virus whose escape from a Chinese Communist lab was concealed by the Chinese Communist government in cahoots with the World Health Organization so the Chinese Communists could scarf up PPE and ventilators before the rest of the world could get any.

Next, the quislings blame Trump for job losses that were inevitable but increased unnecessarily by Democrat governors’ draconian shut-downs.

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PODCAST: Traitorous Mission of “Romney4Biden”