Our election-themed podcasts continue with Tom McCullagh, GOP candidate for the Illinois Senate seat in the 49th district. With his commitment to lower taxes, job growth, common sense values, pro-life and pro-family protections, it’s no surprise that McCullagh is strongly endorsed by Illinois Family Action. McCullagh’s opponent is backed by the “Madigan Machine” and has aligned herself with the group of radical, regressive Leftists who brought SB 25 to Illinois.
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One of the stellar congressional candidates whom we need in the U.S. House of Representatives is Jeanne Ives who is running in the 6th Congressional District. She is exactly who the GOP needs to do battle with AOC and her leftist squad. Mrs. Ives is a former state representative, Army veteran, ROTC instructor, graduate of West Point, mother of five, and committed Christian.
Have you heard the news? America’s two main political parties have switched. The Party of Lincoln is now the party of slavery and oppression, while the Party of FDR is the party of free speech and people’s rights. Are you surprised? Having earned degrees in and relating to history and political science, it surprised me.
As a Christian and a pastor, I have spent a lot of time getting to know God. It goes with the territory! But it raises a serious question in my mind. Why do so many have such a visceral hatred for God? Of course, I know the answer, but I think everyone needs to understand what this attitude is really about.
The Illinois Supreme Court District 5 race, between IFA endorsed candidate Republican David Overstreet, and Democrat Judy Cates, is crucial to maintain judicial balance on Illinois' highest court.

There are 3 Illinois Supreme Court justice seats on the November 3rd ballot. The winner of these elections will serve for the next 10 years. These seats represent 58 percent of Illinois counties[1] and a large majority of residents.
Is 2020 the worst year ever? With the combination of a global pandemic, violence, looting, rioting, and devastating wildfires, plus the drama of a fiercely contested general election, this year might seem to be a strong contender for such a dubious honor. So, what should a Christian do when faced with 2020’s chaos and uncertainty? According to Rev. Franklin Graham we must put our trust in Almighty God!
The full 16-page version of the IFI 2020 General Election Voter Guide is available for download HERE. You can order them in bulk to distribute in your church or neighborhood. They include positions on several issues from candidates running for President, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, plus both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly.
In a dramatic U.S. Senate hearing, the outstanding U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) interrogates James Comey, former FBI director and colluder in the Russia hoax, about his “extraordinary abuse of power” in signing multiple error-ridden FISA applications with the goal of unleashing the federal government against an American citizen in the hope of unseating a duly elected president. Hawley’s shredding of Comey’s responses exposes what a small man Comey is.

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You know something’s up when the media bury a story that would have been a no-brainer for Page One if the subject was a Republican.

A new U.S. Senate report exposes shocking corruption involving Hunter Biden, who made millions in Ukraine at the natural gas company, Burisma Holdings, when his father, Vice President Joe Biden, was President Obama’s Ukraine point man. 
The adage is true – actions do speak louder than words. Catherine Walker, co-leader of 40 Days for Life Aurora, explains to Monte Larrick that the simple act of taking part in a peaceful prayer vigil outside of an abortion facility can have a profound impact on the lives of women and their unborn babies. Ms. Walker provides helpful information about participating in a local vigil and she relates how lives have been changed through the prayerful presence of pro-life believers.