Making the Christian case against homosexuality has always been a great challenge in our engagement with the world, going all the way back to Genesis and the account of Sodom and Gomorrah. The biblical opposition to homosexual practice is especially relevant in light of the new ruling by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals regarding "reparative therapy," whereby individuals with homosexual attractions willingly seek out pastoral or professional counseling to help them fight that specific sin. Keynote speaker, Dr. Gagnon, addressed that topic and others at IFI's 2020 Worldview Conference.
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Slanted is the third book by Sharyl Attkisson, and as with her other two, it is a refreshing read.  It is nice to know that there are still independent journalists who put fact over opinion, and she is one of those.  To no one's surprise, she talks about the shift in the news, from a focus on reporting the facts to more on trying to push a narrative on the American people.

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Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving, but is this holiday becoming so politically incorrect that one day it will be doomed to be sent down the “memory hole”?

There is a war on American history. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, Antifa and other leftwing groups toppled more historical statues. Tyler O’Neil of PJ Media describes the extent of this vandalism, which included the spray-painting of anti-Thanksgiving messages and statues torn down in Chicago, Minneapolis, Portland, and Spokane. Statues that were toppled or defaced included George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and William McKinley.
Republican pollster Patrick Ruffini recently tweeted, “What Republicans need to replace Trump is not a wet blanket. Trump will always be with us until someone steps up who can fight smarter.” Mr. Ruffini then added, “When conservatives don’t fight for ideological first principles like they used to, fighting for nonsense is what fills the void.”

But what are those first principles, and what do they look like? Historian Tom Holland, an atheist, offers the answer: Christianity.
This week’s Spotlight features Monte Larrick’s conversation with our friend Peter LaBarbera, Executive Director of Americans for Truth. Monte and Peter discuss the Biden-Harris administration’s top priorities: advancing gay and transgender rights and passing the Equality Act, or in Peter’s words, the Criminalizing Christianity Act. They examine ways in which the “legal sledgehammer” of this act could affect churches’ and faith-based schools’ hiring practices, as well as possible changes we might experience on a state level.
Four hundred years ago this month, a weary band of Christians from England came ashore in New England after a grueling 66-day voyage aboard the Mayflower. The Pilgrims came for one purpose, which they spelled out in writing: “for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith.” 

It was all about religious freedom. They wanted to worship Jesus in the purity of the gospel. 150 years after the Pilgrims came, the founders of this nation enshrined religious freedom in our national charter, the U.S. Constitution. 
Trump's opponents — the media, Democrats, never-Trump Republicans — have never given him a moment's rest, never a benefit of the doubt, never an atom of cooperation or bipartisanship. They haven't just served as the loyal opposition, resisting his agenda like the minority party is expected to do. They have never let him govern. From the time he stepped on the political stage, they've harassed, investigated, bullied, impeached and censored him.

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Journalists have strongly slanted the "news" during the Trump era in order to destroy Donald Trump's presidency, and to destroy it early if possible. Their actions betray that they feel they have important and influential platforms from which they can and should run America in between elections. The voters can have a say for about two weeks every two years.