Ideas have consequences, and the worse the idea, the more widespread the resulting catastrophe. The socialist theories of the 19th century – the most influential of which was The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels – led to terrifying slaughter in the century that followed. In terms of a death toll instigated by the mind of man, the 20th century was the worst ever experienced by humanity.
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Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris is facing criticism after her remarks comparing the violence at Capitol Hill on Wednesday to the Black Lives Matter riots during the summer.
I am saddened by what occurred at the nation's Capitol building on Wednesday. Such mob violence, especially against the nation's institutions of government, must be firmly and unequivocally condemned.

For my entire lifetime, the Republican Party has been the party of law and order and has zealously honored the U.S. Constitution. We must and will continue to be.
Everyone is hoping and assuming 2021 will be a better year than 2020. But it will not happen on its own. We must get on the playing field and make it happen.
Monte Larrick and Dr. Allan C. Carlson, founder of the World Congress of Families, begin their conversation by defining social conservatism and contrasting it with “decadent liberalism.” Dr. Carlson offers advice to pastors and churches to abandon the losing strategy of settling for religious exemptions and opting for isolationism, and instead take a stand for Christian family ethics and Christian sexual ethics. He also offers hope that we can turn back the tide of cultural depravity if we focus on biblical principles and actively promote the message of the natural family.
America needs godly patriots like never before! Establishment Media (aka Fake News) has cheered for and now celebrate the inaugural events for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Even some formerly stalwart outlets such as Fox News Channel have succumbed to the narrative.

But what is the truth and how should conservatives respond?
I have long believed that the radical left represents an existential threat to the republic. Indeed, my last book, "Guilty By Reason of Insanity: Why the Democrats Must Not Win," was based on that premise. So now what?

Since it appears that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will take office in less than three weeks, my deepest fears should only be intensifying. Right?

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Finally, 2020, the year many have proclaimed the Worst. Year. Ever, nears the finish line. Joining us for the last podcast of this extraordinary year is Ben Smith, the producer of Spotlight. Ben is a 20-year-old college sophomore, part-time employee of IFI and IFA, and the son of Executive Director, David Smith. Follow Ben on Twitter @realbs19.
This past week a group defining themselves as Secular Democrats of America submitted a 28-page letter to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden calling on them to expunge religion from all sectors of American public life and to “re-educate” Christian Americans that they should keep their “religious dogma” to themselves.

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