Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz has doubled down on his extremist agenda for LGBTQ youth. Americans appear to be fed up... The feeling is growing that enabling mental delusions is not compassionate.
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It appears that many people are voting for Kamala Harris as a reaction against Donald Trump. Is that you? Some people don’t care for politics and pay little attention to the issues until the election is upon them. Maybe you are one of them.
After eight years of being bullied, maligned, misrepresented, and painted as racist radicals, the Right went out and hired a bully of their own. Had there been no Obama, there would have been no Donald Trump.
In her speech, Allie breaks down her popular catchphrase: politics matter because policies matter because people matter. Politics affects policy, policy affects people, and people matter.
Many Americans believe that allowing millions of aliens, including criminals, drug dealers, sex traffickers and possible terrorists, to enter the U.S. illegally is an act of treason.
America’s religious elites believe you are stupid, and they are pulling out all the stops to tell you so in these last few days before the election. Don't let them convince you that good is evil and evil is good...
As followers of Christ, we are challenged with navigating the complexities of living in a world that is not our ultimate home. Yet, while our citizenship is indeed in Heaven, we are also called to be active participants in the societies where God has placed us. As we contemplate these complexities, the question arises: Should Christians engage in civic and political activities? Drawing from Scripture and early Christian writings, the answer is a resounding yes.
There is no conservative case to be made for Kamala Harris.
IFI recently produced a document comparing the stances of the Democrat and Republican party platforms on eight major political issues. If you're unsure where to begin in evaluating the political options in front of you, I'd recommend the IFI Voter Guide as a good place to start.
Dr. Erwin Lutzer is the pastor emeritus of Moody Church in Chicago and is the author of the highly acclaimed books including The Church in Babylon, When a Nation Forgets God, and The Eclipse of God. In this special episode of Spotlight, Dr. Lutzer sits down with Monte Larrick to discuss what inspired his newest book, The Eclipse of God.
Radical Democrats and their allies in the legacy media consider Donald Trump to be a serious, even existential, threat to America... Are these media elite right, or are they distracting from the one who really does desire to radically transform the country?