The left is becoming unhinged and exposed. During Hamas’ murderous invasion of Israel on Oct. 7, U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and her group of America-hating congresswomen actually sided with Hamas.
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In episode 30 of his newest production “Tucker on X,” host Tucker Carlson interviewed two guests, Todd Bensman and Dominik Tarczynski, whose discussions revolved around the effects of illegal immigration.
I understood and agreed with the criticism aimed at the Biden administration when it took half a day for the President of the United States to offer any kind of official statement condemning the coordinated, murderous invasion of Israeli neighborhoods, communities, businesses, and homes committed by Hamas terrorists. The deafening silence from the White House was unacceptable from every angle.
I've been writing about Denver-area baker Jack Phillips for over a decade now. It's clear to me he's going to be badgered into the grave by authoritarians intent on punishing him for thought crimes. From the first time his name appeared in the news until this day, the media have misled the public about him, about the case and about the law.
A crowd marched through Chicago on Wednesday evening in support Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups, expressing their hatred of Israel. Their long-term goal is the liberation of all of Palestine and the destruction of Israel. This surge of antisemitism comes as many Americans are realizing how foolish our federal officials have been with border security and immigration policies.
In this episode of Spotlight, we are featuring Part 2 of David Smith and Monte Larrick's conversation with Dr. Mark Zumhagen, MD. As noted last week, Dr. Zumhagen has been practicing family medicine since 1986, graduating from the University of Illinois College of Medicine in 1985.
Over the years, former president Donald Trump’s position on abortion has shifted, as this video collage demonstrates. In 1999, Trump said he hated abortion, but that he was also very pro-choice and would not support a ban on partial-birth abortion. In 2015, he said he was pro-life with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. In 2016, he said women who obtain an abortion should be punished, a position on which he quickly backtracked.
The crime rate has skyrocketed in urban areas since the advent of the “defund the police” movement. Progressive district attorneys, many backed by left-wing sugar daddy George Soros, are issuing what amounts to “get out of jail free” cards.
What was the most evil regime of the 20th century? Many people instantly picture a crazed Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich rounding up millions of Jewish men, women and children in an attempt to systematically exterminate them. An estimated six million were murdered across Europe. Yet we must consider the human toll inflicted under Communism.
On August 14th, 2023, Reverend Stephen Lee was indicted in Georgia for so-called election interference, along with 18 others including former President Donald J. Trump. The charges state he “unlawfully conspired and endeavored to conduct and participate in a criminal enterprise in Fulton County, Georgia and elsewhere.”
The disgraced former Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, Pat Brady, has gone further to the dark side. In various media reports it has been revealed that the double-dealing Brady has joined the board of Personal PAC, a pro-abortion, pro-transgender organization. Their agenda is fixated on the destruction of innocent pre-born life and the chemical castration of confused young people.