Written by Chad Groening

Fiorina is currently in third place in a compilation of polls at RealClearPolitics, trailing Donald Trump and Ben Carson respectively.

Her bump in poll numbers came after the former Hewlett-Packard CEO delivered a strong performance in the September GOP debate, when she challenged Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to watch the undercover Planned Parenthood videos.

Cathie Adams of Texas Eagle Forum claims that Fiorina failed to unseat U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer because Republican voters couldn’t find a “stark contrast” between the Republican challenger and the Democrat incumbent.… Continue Reading

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John Adams quote

Written by David E. Smith

On Thursday, October 15th, Illinois Family Action will host a special webinar meeting to discuss the need to recruit conservative precinct committeeman.  This elected position is extremely important.  Unfortunately, a majority of precinct committeeman positions remain vacant.

Join me and DuPage County Auditor Bob Grogan to learn about becoming a precinct committeeman in your neighborhood.

The old adage is true, “all politics are local.” And the precinct committeeman is the most direct contact point for the voters in your neighborhood.… Continue Reading


White House

Written by Linda Harvey

What should be the top priorities of the next president?

If our next commander in chief is truly a family advocate and a defender of religious liberty, he or she will reject the aggressive, anti-Christian homosexual agenda in all its various dimensions and do everything possible to reverse the damage done under Obama/Biden.

There are other priority lists for our next president that deserve a wide hearing that focus on immigration, national defense, the soaring debt, race relations and at the top, limiting/ending abortion.… Continue Reading



Ben Carson

Written by Gary L. Bauer

Dr. Ben Carson is in deep trouble according to the media mavens. Did they discover his missing emails containing classified material? Was he caught trying to get the IRS to audit his political enemies? Did he threaten, if elected president, to use executive orders to ram through his agenda?

No, Carson’s “scandal” is bigger than any of those.

Asked on Fox News what he would have done if he was in a situation similar to what students faced at Umpqua Community College (UCC) in Oregon, Carson said, “I would not just stand there and let him shoot me.… Continue Reading



From IllinoisReview.com

A businessman from Oswego, Illinois has stepped forward to challenge Illinois U.S. Senator Mark Kirk in the 2016 Illinois Republican Party – and he’s building support among Illinois conservative Republicans and Tea Party activists.

James Marter, a 52 year old computer analyst, hasn’t held elected office before, but in a year when voters are flocking to Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson, what would normally be considered a detriment in a statewide election, coming from a business background could be a plus.

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Written by Daniel John Sobieski

The Fox News report that the Teamsters have decided not to endorse Hillary Clinton’s candidacy at this time, shortly after her pronouncement of her opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline, does not surprise and shows the peril of trying to be all things to all constituencies.

On the one hand, there is a need to placate environmentalists and climate change true believers who oppose the pipeline from Canada. Among them is billionaire Tom Steyer, an eco-zealot who has pledged his fortune in support of Democratic candidates who want to repeal the Industrial Revolution who want us to rely on solar power even when the sun doesn’t shine and wind turbines when there’s nary a breeze.… Continue Reading


Bible in Hand

Written by JG Smoothy

Most of the subjects I write about come as a result of me ranting away to my wife about the so-called democratic process in North America. As a member of the clergy, I find myself leagues more political than my contemporaries. It’s whispered “That JG is a radical!” because I find myself not afraid to alienate myself (ultimately not my goal) from those who believe that Christianity needs to be separate from any form of politics.… Continue Reading



Written by Michael Gryboski

Presidential candidates seeking the Evangelical vote will be speaking to a sold-out crowd of 7,000 potential voters at a Texas megachurch in mid-October.

Sen.Ted Cruz, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Dr. Ben Carson, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Sen. Rick Santorum and Carly Fiorina have already confirmed their attendance and will be expounding on their views to attract support from this coveted interest group during the Oct. 18 forum, sponsored by Prestonwood Baptist Church and the Faith & Freedom Coalition at the congregation’s Plano campus.

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Cruz speech

Written by Red Dawn

You know, even though a couple of people have dropped out of the presidential race, we still have a crazy number of candidates. (Especially compared to the Democrats.)

Hopefully, we’re at the point where candidates focus more on what sets them apart instead of taking cheap shots at each other.

I like it when candidates get specific and tell us what makes them different. Cruz is really good at that. There’s a reason he’s the only politician in the race considered an “outsider.”… Continue Reading



Written by Douglas Wilson

As I have noted before, I like Ted Cruz. His general outlook is the kind of conservatism that I want to see in the White House, and I wish him well. But he whiffed this one.

As you may have seen, Ben Carson was asked if he could support a Muslim in the presidency. He said, no, absolutely not. Forget about it. He was then asked if he could support a Muslim in Congress.… Continue Reading



Written by Daniel John Sobieski

Speaking on NBC’s “Meet The Press” on Sunday, Dr. Ben Carson was asked if a president’s religious beliefs mattered. He said they did, and, when pressed on the issue, said no Muslim should be President of the United States (insert Obama joke here) and that in fact Islam is in conflict with the U.S. Constitution:

Chuck Todd: Should a president’s faith matter? Should your faith matter to voters?

Ben Carson: Well I guess it depends on what that faith is.

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