Written by Samuel Smith

A key member of President Donald Trump‘s transition team says it’s only a matter of time before the president and his administration enact a policy, perhaps an executive order, protecting religious freedoms.

Ken Blackwell, who served as the chief domestic policy advisor to the Trump transition team, told The Christian Post during a conference call Thursday that it’s not a matter of “if” but “when” the Trump administration will enact a policy to protect religious liberties.… Continue Reading

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Written by Michael Medved

Amid all the evaluations of the first hundred days of President Trump, what about considering the first hundred days of Democrats as the party of opposition?

So far, they’ve shown a destructive tendency to repeat the same mistakes that cost them the election in November.

First, they focus exclusively on attacking the president while counting on scandal to destroy their opponents. Most Americans know what Democrats are against, but they’ve received no clear message about what they’re for.

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The Pro-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) organization Human Rights Campaign vociferously opposes the confirmation of Mark Green for Secretary of the Army. Human Rights Campaign is funded by self-indicted Nazi-collaborator and demonstrably anti-American billionaire George Soros.

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Written by Robert Eno

Despite the media’s best efforts to attack conservatives and Republicans, it seems the American people aren’t buying it. After three months of wall-to-wall coverage about Russian interference in the election, and a general hostile attitude by the media, 96 percent of Trump’s voters would vote for him again, according to a new ABC News/ Washington Post poll.

But that’s not even the biggest story to come out of the poll. A staggering number of American voters think the Democratic Party is “out of touch” with “people’s concerns.”… Continue Reading

Illinois lawmakers are back in Springfield after a two-week spring break, and have six weeks before they are scheduled to adjourn for the summer. Monte and Dave discuss pending legislation with IFI’s lobbyists, Ralph Rivera, the only full-time pro-family lobbyist in Springfield.
On April 15, a pro-Trump, pro-free-speech rally at University of California, Berkeley, descended into violent mayhem after radical far-leftists — members of the organization Antifa — began to attack the peacefully assembled crowd.

Written by Daniel Howowitz

“We must do ‘something’ on health care so we can get to tax reform. Now!”

This is the latest rage and clamor among the big donors, lobbyists, and consultants within the less intelligent arm of the Democrat Party, otherwise known as the GOP.

The entire argument is built upon a false premise and will not result in sound policy unless conservatives grab the mantle on tax policy away from the party establishment.… Continue Reading

This week’s March for Science is odd. Marches are usually held to defend something that’s in peril. Does anyone really think big science is in danger? The mere fact that the March was scheduled for Earth Day betrays what the event is really about: politics. The organizers admitted as much early on, though they’re now busy trying to cover the event in sciencey camouflage.
Last year, “socialism” was the most looked-up word at Merriam-Webster.com. That is hardly a surprise. It clearly reflects growing interest, especially with the remarkable surge of lifetime socialist Bernie Sanders, who won a pile of states in pursuing the Democratic Party presidential nomination. He earned over 13 million votes nationwide. Many of those voters have only a hazy idea what socialism entails, but most surely know that it gives the government more control over the so-called “means of production” as well as your wallet and your property, but not as much as outright Communists crave.

Written by Joshua Denton

In a move vigorously applauded by social conservatives and simultaneously denounced by same-sex “marriage” advocates, President Donald Trump has appointed Roger Severino to head the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Civil Rights.

Severino formerly served as the Director of the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society. As Director, his three main focuses where on religious liberty, marriage, and life issues.

His track record of defending religious liberty, natural marriage, and the sanctity of life go further back then his time at the Heritage Foundation.… Continue Reading


Written by Benjamin Smith

On this edition of Spotlight, Dave is joined by Kathy Valente, the Director of Operations at IFI, Florence Hubbs, and Lisa Ridinger.  They discuss how the transgender agenda has invaded bathrooms and locker rooms of government schools, Target stores, Planet Fitness as well as the Illinois Legislature. HB 1785 would allow people to change their gender on their birth certificates.

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