A “backlash” is simply a reaction to a situation, development, or political action, etc. A “backlash” maybe an adverse reaction but it can also be a just and right reaction. “Backlashes” should not have a negative connotation for all situations; at times they are warranted and needed to enact change or justice.
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If you think that liberal bias in the media has gotten even worse since the election of Donald Trump, you’re not alone. Even Harvard University in Massachusetts has noticed that the media has gone over the edge in a new study.
In a report released Tuesday, the Public Interest Legal Foundation, a conservative legal group, found 5,556 voters were removed because they were noncitizens and that one-third of the removed citizens voted illegally.
Illinois Representative Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton), is a staunch opponent of tax increases. Yet she chose to become the sponsor of the tax hike bill in the State House. So the Democrats took the bill away from her and handed the sponsorship over to one of their own.
In this week's edition of our weekly podcast, Monte Larrick talks with Anita Bedell, the executive director of Illinois Church Action on Alcohol and Addiction Problems (ILCAAAP). Anita and Monte Larrick discuss Gambling and Marijuana, its effects on revenue and taxes, in Illinois.
Not content with filing nuisance lawsuits all over the country, most of them aimed at thwarting the Trump administration, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is plunging into local political campaigns.
For years Democrats have supported policies which force car makers to make smaller and lighter cars. Many studies have shown what obviously happens: people in small cars are more likely to die than those in larger and heavier cars. This is just common sense, but Democrats and the media have supported these policies anyway.
Sanctuary city jurisdictions are local governments that seek to trample upon and undermine the federal government’s constitutional role in enforcing immigration law by offering cover to illegal aliens. However, another sort of “sanctuary” legislation in the U.S. seeks to continually and legally trample the human conscience to protect abortion.
The tragic terrorist bombing in Manchester, England this week reminds us that we cannot just combat radical Muslims, seeking to make our borders secure and fighting them overseas. We must also combat the ideology of radical Islam.
The anti-baby forces are already out in full force as they stake a claim to your tax dollars to pay for their abortions. Using the dishonest and tired rhetoric of a “war on women,” the death industry seeks to punish legislators who voted against HB 40, a bill that would remove all restrictions on taxpayer funding of abortion. One case in point is that of State Representative Mark Batinick (R-Plainfield), who was featured in one ad...
On this edition of Spotlight, David is joined by Kathy Valente, the Director of Operations at IFI, Lisa Ridinger, and ex-lesbian Florence Hubbs. Flo gives her testimony of coming to Christ and her journey out of the homosexual lifestyle. They also discuss what the church should be doing to minister to people who are struggling with same-sex attraction.