SPOTLIGHT: Ex-Lesbian Flo Hubbs Tells Her Story and More!
Written by Benjamin Smith
On this edition of Spotlight, David is joined by Kathy Valente, the Director of Operations at IFI, Lisa Ridinger, a pro-family activist from the suburbs, and ex-lesbian and pro-family activist Florence Hubbs. Flo gives her testimony of coming to Christ and her journey out of the homosexual lifestyle. They also discuss what the church should be doing to minister to people who are struggling with same-sex attraction.
Flo Hubbs lived as a lesbian for 14 years, and ultimately found healing and restoration through the words of an evangelist and a group of women who, like her, were struggling with hurt and brokenness.
Flo is one of several speakers with the Safe Exit program, which is part of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX, www.pfox.org), the nation’s leading advocacy organization that offers love and support to families and friends of individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction and gender confusion and also supports the ex-gay community.
Flo has also been politically active, lobbying lawmakers in 2013 against marriage redefinition legislation, and more recently against the legislative efforts to alter birth certificates for gender dysphoric men and women seeking to live under the pretense of the opposite sex.
Lisa is a wife, mother, and grassroots’ activist, living in the western suburbs, who, along with Cedra Crenshaw, founded Protect Children Preserve Freedom, a group that seeks to protect the privacy, dignity and safety rights of all children.