With Gov. Bruce Rauner’s signing of HB 40’s taxpayer funding of abortion, State Rep. Peter Breen said that Rauner can no longer make an effective case for his leadership. Breen explains that HB 40 is one of the worst bills ever to be signed into law in Illinois, and it happened even though Rauner looked Breen in the eye, shook his hand, and pledged to veto it.
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In this week's Spotlight podcast, Monte Larrick interviews the Reverend C.L. Bryant, a Senior Fellow at Freedom Works. Rev. Bryant also is the host of the syndicated radio show, the C.L. Bryant show on Red State Talk Radio. He is also the force behind the film Runaway Slave.
It hasn’t been a good couple of weeks for the unborn in America. Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner signed HB 40, allowing for taxpayer funding of abortions. In Washington, D.C., Republicans still haven’t gotten their act together regarding their promised defunding of Planned Parenthood.
The Democrats openly embraced socialism in the form of single-payer health care. And they announced a secular, anti-Christian test for public office. The two go together like Abbott and Costello. Or better yet, since this is far from funny, Marx and Lenin. 
Here is the second of two videos aimed at encouraging more Christian conservatives to run for Precinct Committeeman. IFA’s Dave Smith is joined by northern Illinois activist Jan Klaas, and the Illinois Leadership Project’s chairman Jim Edwards.
One of the new provisions in the school funding compromise plan that was signed into law earlier this month was the $75 million in tax credits for people who donate to private school scholarships for financially needy children. Teacher unions have compared that provision to a voucher program in which public money can be used to send children from low-income families to private schools. Yet, expanding school choice is tremendously helpful for those students stuck in failing government schools.
The Alliance Defending Freedom has been doing important work to free America’s pulpits from government censorship. The organization is now pushing Congress “to fix the unconstitutional Johnson Amendment through the Free Speech Fairness Act (FSFA)”:
In this special edition of the Illinois Spotlight podcast, Monte Larrick interviews Shawn Carney, President of 40 Days for Life, to talk about recent pro-life efforts and the upcoming 40 Days For Life campaign.  This sustained prayer vigil has reached 675 cities around the world with a record turnout of 375 cities participating in prayer vigils outside abortion clinics this fall.
The deceitful media has talked a lot about electoral "collusion" on the national level, but there is a clear case of collusion here in Illinois playing out right now... In the days and months since HB 40 has been held up, Illinois pro-abortion Democrats have used the proposal to advance their narrative of the "War on Women" and to demand their "choice" to kill pre-born babies in the womb.
Politico recently reported that Governor Rauner's "ongoing struggle with the politics of a controversial abortion bill hasn’t gone unnoticed by potential opponents." A Democrat opponent in the 2018 gubernatorial race, J.B. Pritzker, has capitalized on "Rauner’s indecision with HB 40 by releasing a new statewide TV ad where the billionaire Democrat declares if he’s elected, HB 40 will be the first bill he signs."
The Illinois Republican Party desperately needs the help and influence of Christian conservative activists throughout the state to help elected godly men and women to legislative positions at the local, state and national levels. Recruiting hundreds of volunteers to run for Precinct Committeeman throughout the state is critical if we hope to build a stronger Republican Party and advance conservative values.