It’s risky to predict future trends, especially the political fortunes of government leaders and the results they might achieve, because there are so many moving parts. We’ve seen so much volatility and fluidity, and we have a plethora of unknowns. So I admit that it would be foolish to take for granted that President Trump will continue to rack up remarkable, substantive policy achievements, but it would be just as foolish to deny the significance of his accomplishments already, on a variety of fronts — or to pretend that it wouldn’t have mattered much if Hillary Clinton had won the election.
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Illinois Family Action wants to provide an update regarding the upcoming leadership vote tomorrow of the Illinois Republican State Central Committee (SCC). The Illinois GOP SCC is the state party’s governing board, with one member chosen from each congressional district. Those elections took place last month at county party conventions across the state. Tomorrow, the SCC will meet to elect a party chairman for a four-year term.
A year or so ago, there were a spate of articles about the red pill videos on YouTube – millennials turning off to the bullying by feminists and race hustlers, thinking for themselves, becoming conservative, and posting a video of their personal journey from blue to red online. I googled ‘red pill’ and had a cheerful time following links. I learned about Candace Owens at that time, and a lot of other black and white millennials who had posted articulate, heartfelt, intimate, sometimes funny YouTubes explaining why they’d become conservative.
Monte Larrick interviewed John Stonestreet at Illinois Family Institute's Fourth Annual Worldview Conference. Stonestreet is the president of the Chuck Colson Center and BreakPoint Radio co-host. They discuss why Christians should be concerned about the Culture when we have seemingly lost; the next major cultural shift after the Sexual Revolution; the continued attacks on religious freedom; and when it is right for Christians to engage in civil disobedience.
Nowhere is the hard turn to the left within our body politic so evident as in Republicans signing on to the “Willie Horton soft on crime” agenda. Despite the president’s insistence that we get tougher, not weaker, on crime and drug trafficking, Jared Kushner and the Koch-funded phony right-leaning organizations won’t stop pushing that agenda. And it appears that even the conservatives who haven’t gotten roped into this extreme and dangerous agenda are ill-quipped to push back against it. The sad reality is that it’s all about getting more felons to vote and enticing Republicans to hang themselves on their own rope.
As the saying goes, some articles write themselves. In this case, three Illinois conservatives who have a keen understanding of politics were asked by Illinois Family Action to comment on the upcoming meeting of the Illinois Republican Party’s State Central Committee on May 19th.
Monte Larrick recently interviewed Philip Haney at the National Religious Broadcasters convention. Philip is a former Department of Homeland Security officer and congressional whistle-blower. They discuss what he exposed, the Parkland school attack, including government negligence, and how to prevent similar attacks. Monte opened with the question, "what did you expose?
May 5 marked the bicentennial of Karl Marx, who set the stage with his philosophy for the greatest ideological massacres in history. Or did he? He did, but deniers still remain. “Only a fool could hold Marx responsible for the Gulag,” writes Francis Wheen in “Karl Marx: A Life” (1999). Stalin, Mao and Kim Il Sung, Mr. Wheen insists, created “bastard creeds,” “wrenched out of context” from Marx’s writings.
Party-line, lock-step, propaganda-swallowing Americans have been with us always. New York Loyalists wanted nothing to do with the Sons of Liberty, and now Deplorables and the Resistance spit at one another.

TAKE ACTION: Please contact your state representative by phone and email and encourage him/her to VOTE NO on the ERA (Bill #SJRCA4). The Capitol switchboard number is (217) 782-2000. Call and asked to be transferred to your his or her office to leave a message with their administrative assistant.… Continue Reading

The dominant force in America and many other Western countries today is fear of the left. This is a result of the fact that the most dynamic religion of the past 100 years has been neither Christianity nor Islam. It has been leftism. Whoever does not recognize this does not understand the contemporary world.