Category: Federal Elections

Voting Registration in Illinois!

Voter Registration Deadline is February 20th

Written by Andrew Willis

Did you know that it is now possible to register to vote online in Illinois? Add to this seven full weeks to vote early, it is now easier than ever for citizens to fulfill their civic responsibility. While online registration raises legitimate concerns about potential fraud, there is no reason not to take full advantage of this law. You can do so by visiting the State Board of Elections website here.… Continue Reading

The Missing Democratic Agenda

Written by Matthew Continetti

Oh, to have been a fly on the wall in Elizabeth Warren‘s house as people went crazy over the prospect of Oprah 2020. I can only imagine Warren’s reaction. Did she yell at the TV? Mutter under her breath? Immediately call her media consultant in panic?

We know the slight got to her. By midweek she was making the rounds on cable. There she was, with Mark Warner of Virginia, reminding us of her existence, talking about God knows what, and smiling uncomfortably when asked, inevitably, what she thought of the Lady O.… Continue Reading

WATCH: CNN Worries Tax Bill Will Help GOP, Hints At Conspiracy Theory

Written by Ryan Saavedra

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) appeared on CNN’s “New Day” on Tuesday to talk about whether Democrats would work with President Donald Trump and his agenda in 2018 and was greeted by a conspiracy-minded CNN host.

Toward the end of the segment, CNN host Alisyn Camerota brought up the recent GOP tax bill that Trump signed into law and how numerous businesses were giving their employees bonuses and raising the minimum wages at their companies because of it.… Continue Reading

Gallagher: Believers, Conservatives Need to ‘Man Up’

Written by Steve Jordahl

The 2016 elections were good for Republicans, with one notable exception: Democrat Roy Cooper beat out Republican incumbent Pat McCrory in the governor’s race in North Carolina – but the central issue in that election was HB2, the state’s bathroom bill which allowed men into women’s restrooms. The Human Rights Campaign spent tens of thousands of dollars on Cooper and ran ads like this:

“More than 200 businesses have come out in opposition to HB2.

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SPOTLIGHT: David Barton on the Electoral College

Written by John Biver

Illinois Family Institute recently teamed up with Restore Our Constitution to host a special event with historian David Barton in Decatur. Mr. Barton is the founder and president of Wall Builders, and an author of a number of best selling books.

David Barton touched on a number of topics in his presentation, including the Left’s efforts to abolish the Electoral College and elect a president by a national popular vote. Barton stressed the need to understand the intention of the Founding Fathers when they created the Electoral College.… Continue Reading

Hate, Bernie Style

Written by Robert Knight

Two remarkable things unfolded last month.

The Democrats openly embraced socialism in the form of single-payer health care. And they announced a secular, anti-Christian test for public office. The two go together like Abbott and Costello. Or better yet, since this is far from funny, Marx and Lenin.

“Democratic Socialist” Vermont U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ scheme for a single-payer, government-run health care system has already been endorsed by 16 Democrat senators.… Continue Reading

Automatic Voter Registration Expands Government Automatically

Written by Robert Knight

In 1993, when President Bill Clinton signed the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), its boosters claimed that it would solve, once and for all, a plethora of problems plaguing the nation’s voter registration rolls.

However, like many ballyhooed efforts, the Motor Voter Law, as it is best known, resulted in an even crazier system, with such absurdities as millions of people registered in more than one state and cemeteries full of active “voters.”… Continue Reading

Guarding Election Integrity

Written by Robert Knight

In 1993, when President Bill Clinton signed the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), its boosters claimed that it would solve, once and for all, a plethora of problems plaguing the nation’s voter registration rolls.

However, like many ballyhooed efforts, the Motor Voter Law, as it is best known, resulted in an even crazier system, with such absurdities as millions of people registered in more than one state, cemeteries full of active “voters,” and noncitizens “inadvertently” placed on voter rolls.… Continue Reading

Russian Collusion in Democrat Inner Circle?

Written by Karin McQuillan

There has been enthusiastic collusion by the leadership of the Democratic Party with the Russian disinformation campaign to destroy President Donald Trump.  (See “A Brief History of ‘Fake News'” on  The Democrat willingness to collude with Russia to overturn our democratically elected president is unprecedented.  There is the infamous case of Ted Kennedy approaching the Kremlin to help Democrats defeat Reagan, but never before has collusion with our enemies by a non-communist party been sustained and widespread.… Continue Reading

What’s ‘Reasonable’ When Preventing Vote Fraud?

Written by Robert Knight

While Bill Clinton may still be pondering the meaning of the word “is,” a federal court in Miami is trying to define what the word “reasonable” means.

The ruling in this historic case could well determine how secure elections are all over the United States for years to come.

At issue in the American Civil Rights Union’s lawsuit against Broward County, Florida, whose weeklong trial ended last Wednesday, is what constitutes “reasonable” measures that must be taken to ensure accurate and up-to-date voter lists.

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