Posts tagged: Alisyn Camerota

WATCH: CNN Worries Tax Bill Will Help GOP, Hints At Conspiracy Theory

Written by Ryan Saavedra

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) appeared on CNN’s “New Day” on Tuesday to talk about whether Democrats would work with President Donald Trump and his agenda in 2018 and was greeted by a conspiracy-minded CNN host.

Toward the end of the segment, CNN host Alisyn Camerota brought up the recent GOP tax bill that Trump signed into law and how numerous businesses were giving their employees bonuses and raising the minimum wages at their companies because of it.… Continue Reading

Carson Performs Brain Surgery on the Media


Written by Cliff Kincaid

Last May we published a column, “Why They Must Destroy Ben Carson.” It has been determined that a black Christian conservative, especially a political outsider with credentials as a life-saving physician, just cannot be allowed to succeed in politics. Carson must be destroyed.

His life as a poor boy with a temper is now coming in for serious media scrutiny. Who did he hit? And why?

In an attempt to defend this assault on the character of Benjamin Carson,  that the media are fair and balanced because they “vetted” Barack Obama as a candidate by checking out reports that he once had a girlfriend, who “may have been a composite character.”… Continue Reading