Category: Media Watch

Gaza, Liberals, and Moral Equivalence

Gaza conflict

Written by Michael Medved

A big majority of Americans say Israel is justified in its response to Hamas, but a CNN/ORC poll shows revealing ideological differences in attitudes toward the Middle East.

Among Republicans, 73% stand with Israel, and among Independents that support remains strong at 56%. But among Democrats, only a minority – 45% – feels the Jewish state is justified in its military response in Gaza to stop rocket attacks and terror tunnels.

This attitude indicates that liberals have not only lost touch with public opinion but they’ve disconnected from reality.… Continue Reading

Media Hit Obama for Placing Fundraising Above World Crises


Written by Don Irvine

Despite increasing criticism from the mainstream media over how President Barack Obama has responded to the downed Malaysian plane and the latest conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, the White House remains defiant, arguing that his response has been appropriate.

Rather than issue a statement immediately after Malaysian flight MH17 was shot down by pro-Russian separatists while flying over Ukraine, Obama continued on with his planned events, which included grabbing a cheeseburger at The Charcoal Pit in Delaware and fundraisers in New York.… Continue Reading

Someone Tell The Record Polar Ice Cap It Should Be Melting


Written by John Biver

James Taylor (no, not the singer, as this James Taylor isn’t afraid of pointing out) is “the managing editor of Environment & Climate News, a national monthly publication devoted to sound science and free-market environmentalism. He is also senior fellow for The Heartland Institute, focusing on energy and environment issues.” In a short post at Heartlands’ website, he demolishes the whole “the oceans are rising because of melting glaciers” scare mongering going on in the dishonest media fueled by the political left.… Continue Reading

U.S. Representative Trey Gowdy Silences the Press

Written by David E. Smith

The dominant media just doesn’t seem to want to ask the tough questions about the Benghazi scandal. However, U.S. Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC) lays it all out for the media.  One can only hope that some of them were taking note.

This is most certain the most shameful events that has occurred in the last two years of the Obama administration. The complicit media has not done enough to investigate this outrageous attack on American facility and the murder of  four Americans — an attack that just happened on the anniversary of September 11th and carried out by radical Muslim terrorists affiliated with Al Qaeda. Continue Reading

CNN’s “Chicagoland” Charade

Written by Roger Aronoff

It was recently revealed by the Chicago Tribune that CNN coordinated a series it aired called “Chicagoland” with Mayor Rahm Emanuel. The purpose was to make him look good, no question about it. This is not journalism, and heads should roll at CNN for this political hackery on behalf of a political hack. Fox News’ Media Buzz covered it briefly at the end of last Sunday’s show, but this is an egregious violation for a news network, and deserves much greater scrutiny.… Continue Reading

Conflicted Interests


Rich Miller— Springfield’s Capitol Fax “journalist”–
rakes in over $521,000 in payments from 70 State Agencies
and other governments-  plus 181 political committees.

Is Miller the most conflicted journalist in the country?

Graphic courtesy of

Last week, an amazing thing started to unfold in Illinois-accountability. We helped expose the hundreds of thousands in taxpayer dollars flowing to Rich Millers Capitol Fax blog.

It’s not a pretty picture for “journalist” Rich Miller…


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