Written by David Limbaugh
I’ve repeatedly said that though President Trump gives his leftist enemies plenty of fodder in his tweets to attack him, they would malign any Republican president unless he totally capitulated to their demands — and switched parties. Indeed, they always have.
The liberals say Trump is such an awful person, which apparently excuses their monomaniacal obsession with destroying his presidency. Yet Vice President Mike Pence is one of the finest people around, and they can’t stand him, either.… Continue Reading
Tags: Che Guevara, David Limbaugh, Donald Trump, Joy Behar, Kim Yo Jong, Mary Magdalene, Mike Pence, New York Times, Omarosa Manigault Newman, Republican, Sunny Hostin, The View
Federal Elections, Media Watch, Political | David E. Smith |
February 20, 2018 7:27 AM |
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Written by William M. Briggs
On the last day of bad old last year, Lake Superior State University released its 43rd annual List of Words Banished from the Queen’s English for Misuse, Overuse and General Uselessness.
The ripest for excision was “fake news.” “Let that sink in.”
I mean, “let that sink in” was another “impactful” phrase needing banning. As was (can we get an Amen?) “impactful.” (Most banned words are those that fill the air in corporate meetings.)… Continue Reading
Written by David Limbaugh
Why the collective liberal media yawn on the multi-headed Democratic scandals surfacing everywhere except on their pages and airwaves?
It’s not that the stories are too far-fetched and thin to interest self-respecting journalists, because they are real, damning and supported by sufficiently credible evidence to warrant serious attention and scrutiny.
There are the notorious Trump dossier, the Clinton-infected uranium bribery scandal and the prematurely drafted FBI memo to exonerate the most recently defeated United States presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, who, by the way, is still acting like a heat-seeking missile in search of just one plausible excuse for her loss.… Continue Reading
Tags: bribery scandal, Christopher Steele, Christopher Wray, Chuck Grassley, Circa News, Donald Trump, Eric Holder, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Joseph diGenova, Russia, The Hill, uranium
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
October 23, 2017 4:00 AM |
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Written by Peter LaBarbera
A coalition of 47 conservatives has written a letter appealing to the media to stop citing the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as an authority on “hate,” calling it “an attack dog of the political left” that slanders traditional conservatives as “extremists.”
In the wake of the race protests and riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, CNN and other media and blogs have cited the SPLC’s “hate map” as a guide to locate “hate groups”and “extremists” across the United States.… Continue Reading
Written by Robert Kraychik
Antifa is the de facto militant wing of Democrats, said Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson on Monday’s episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Carlson made his comments during an interview with Joey Gibson, founder of “Patriot Prayer” and a self-described advocate for free speech and expression.
“This is a political militia that is doing the bidding, in effect, of Nancy Pelosi and Governor Jerry Brown and the mayor of Berkeley and all these supposedly mainstream Democratic politicians, and this is a militia hurting American citizens for saying what they think,” said Carlson.… Continue Reading
Written by Jordan Schachtel
CNN has published a list of “hate groups” currently operating in the United States, relying on an extremely partisan analysis from the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
Several truly extremist groups populate the list, such as the Ku Klux Klan, New Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, and others.
But along with the neo-Nazi and Islamic extremist groups on the list, the SPLC has lumped in as “hate groups” mainstream, well-known conservative individuals and organizations who merely speak out about the threat of radical Islam.… Continue Reading
Tags: ACT! For America, Bosch Fawstin, Center for Immigration Studies, Center for Security Policy, Clarion Project, Daniel Greenfield, David Horowitz Freedom Center, Family Research Council, Family Security Matters, Federation for American Immigration Reform, Jihad Watch, Jordan Schachtel, Ku Klux Klan, Nation of Islam, New Black Panthers, SPLC, The United West
Faith & Religion, Media Watch | David E. Smith |
August 21, 2017 5:00 AM |
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Written by Monica Burke
[Last] week, an ABC News headline referred to Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian nonprofit committed to defending religious liberty in the legal system, as an “anti-LGBT hate group.” ABC reported on a speech delivered by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the following manner:
Sessions addressed members of the Alliance Defending Freedom, which was designated an ‘anti-LGBT hate group’ by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2016, at the Summit on Religious Liberty at the Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel, in Dana Point, California.
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Tags: ABC News, Alliance Defending Freedom, Blaine Adamson, GuideStar, Jack Phillips, Jeff Sessions, Masterpiece Cakeshop, Obergefell, Southern Poverty Law Center, Steve Scalise, Tennes family
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
July 17, 2017 6:30 AM |
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Written by Michael Medved
For all his vast power, the President of the United States—any president—is always at a structural disadvantage in a “war” with the media. The First Amendment protects press rights to criticize the government, and everyone expects such criticism. But if government—or the president, as head of government—strikes back by assailing media, there’s an uneasy hint of bullying or oppression.
President Donald Trump isn’t exceptional in generating media hostility, but Barack Obama was exceptional in avoiding such scrutiny for eight years.… Continue Reading
Written by Todd Starnes
Hollywood wants President Trump to sleep with the fishes. They want him dead – decapitated – his bloody entrails splayed across the Rose Garden for all of the world to see.
A who’s-who of actors and directors and musicians want him to suffer the most agonizingly brutal and gory death in the history of assassinations.
Johnny Depp is the latest star of stage and screen to flirt with the idea of murdering President Trump.… Continue Reading
Written by Rachel del Guidice
The nation’s leading source of information on U.S. charities announced it will modify its use of a controversial “hate group” designation in listings for some well-known and broadly supported conservative nonprofits.
“We have decided to remove the SPLC annotations from these 46 organizations for the time being,” read a statement posted Friday on GuideStar’s website. “This change will be implemented during the week of June 26, 2017. In the meantime, we will make this information available to any user on request.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Edwin J. Feulner, Edwin Meese III, Family Research Council, Floyd Corkins, GuideStar, Jacob Harold, James T. Hodgkinson, Jerry Boykin, Michael Needham, Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC, Steve Scalise
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
June 26, 2017 11:00 AM |
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