Category: Marriage, Family & Culture

Sexual Misconduct, the Loss of Virtue, and the Rise of Careers

Written by Dean Abbott

The worst, and therefore most likely, outcome of the current rash of sexual misconduct accusations is that people will continue to think they are primarily about bodies, about who touched whose body, about who exposed his body when he shouldn’t have.  That most of us currently already assume that such incidents are mostly about bodies itself indicates our lack of vision.

Such interactions are really about souls – about the collective soul of our nation, and the sickness infecting it.… Continue Reading

George Washington Taken from the Heights

Written by Michael Curtis

By Jove, by Jing, by George is the thing!  Can we say it isn’t so?  We thought we knew Washington.  As the proverb says, a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.  It’s taken some time for the truth to be revealed, though no doubt a special counsel searching for less in good names would have taken even longer to find out whether, among other things, the father of the United States was in collusion with the Russians.  … Continue Reading

ANTIFA ALERT! Keep Your Eyes Open November 4, 2017

Written by Steve Huston

Love him or hate him; appreciate his stands or stand against him; for better or for worse; President Donald J. Trump is the President of the United States of America—OUR president. Denial doesn’t change fact nor does it remove the responsibility of Christians to pray for him and all citizens to respect the office which he holds.

Admittedly, there are times it is hard to know what side of an issue the president will finally land on; but this administration has claimed some victorious moments and—by God’s grace—given this country a reprieve from its quickened downward spiral which had taken place during the last administration.… Continue Reading

Parenting in a World of Tech

Written by Benjamin Smith

Featured in the Spotlight podcast this week is Dr. Rob Rienow, the founder of Visionary Family Ministries. Dr. Rienow is the pastor of Grace Fellowship Church in Wheaton, Illinois. Pastor Rienow shares a biblical message of family discipleship at national and international conferences for parents, couples, and church leaders. He partners and consults with numerous churches, encouraging them to accelerate evangelism and discipleship through families. Rob and his wife Amy have seven children and they reside in the western suburbs of Chicago.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Back to the Basics – Constitutionally Speaking

Written by John Biver

Is the Declaration of Independence “perhaps one of the most important documents in the history of mankind”? Or are both the Declaration and U.S. Constitution to be disregarded because there were slave owners involved with drafting them?

David Shestokas is Monte Larrick’s guest on this week’s Illinois Spotlight podcast. Shestokas is an expert on the American Founding documents, a former Cook County assistant state’s attorney, and an author of: Creating the Declaration of IndependenceConstitutional Sound Bites, and Capsulas Informativas Constitucionales, which “explains for Spanish language readers both the meaning and historical context of the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.”… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Rev. C.L. Byrant on Tax Reform

Written by John Biver

In this week’s Spotlight podcast, Monte Larrick interviews the Reverend C.L. Bryant, a Senior Fellow at Freedom Works. Rev. Bryant also is the host of the syndicated radio show, the C.L. Bryant show on Red State Talk Radio. He is also the force behind the film Runaway Slave.

In their wide-ranging discussion, Rev. Bryant and Monte Larrick address national tax reform, the “non-existent” black conservative, the many problems in Illinois, and the current racial situation in America.… Continue Reading

The Terrifying Changes Britain has Seen Since Instituting Same-Sex “Marriage”

Written by Joshua Denton

Roughly four years ago, then Prime Minister David Cameron announced that MP’s would decide whether or not to redefine the meaning of marriage. The announcement came as somewhat of a surprise as David Cameron had not made any mention whatsoever in his pre-election manifesto (or platform) signalling his intention to initiate this possible shift.

In the ensuing chaos leading up to the vote, David Burrows MP, a mild-mannered supporter of the ‘Coalition for Marriage’, had excrement thrown at his house.… Continue Reading

Donald Trump’s Pro-Family Remarks in Poland Should Leave Conservatives Optimistic

Written by Joshua Denton

Last week, President Donald Trump gave an inspiring speech while visiting Poland on his way to the Group of 20 economic summit. The speech should give conservatives hope, as Trump made many references to the importance of values, families and faith traditions. It’s certainly encouraging to hear the President take such a pro-family stance as the current leader of the free world.

Americans, Poles, and much of the rest of Europe value individual freedom and sovereignty.… Continue Reading

911 Tax Increase in Illinois for all Telephone Users

Written by Benjamin Yount

The fee that supports 911 systems across the state is going up under a law that lawmakers approved against Gov. Bruce Rauner’s wishes.

The law also keeps the 911 services operational statewide.

Outside of Chicago, phone users are going to pay $1.50 a month for 911 service. Chicago’s 911 fee will jump to $5 to pay for pensions, not 911 service.

State Rep. Peter Breen (R-Lombard), said it’s not that lawmakers wanted to end 911 services, they just wanted to settle on fair fees.… Continue Reading

Ineffective GOP Messaging Leads to Tax Hikes Without Reforms Every Time

Written by John Biver

Every time state spending increases and taxes are raised, Republicans and conservatives issue statements expressing disappointment and disgust with those who played a part in making it happen. For many of us watching this Illinois tax and spend train wreck year after year, these statements are tiresome.

Bad things happen. Our side reacts to those bad things with statements.

These pages have outlined and linked to other articles explaining that Illinois’ problem is a simple math problem.… Continue Reading