Category: Marriage, Family & Culture

SPOTLIGHT: Anecdotes and Education with Dr. Everett Piper

Written by David E. Smith

This edition of Spotlight is, hands down, the best podcast you will hear all week long, as we are pleased to feature highlighted remarks from Dr. Everett Piper’s address at a recent IFI dinner event. Dr. Piper’s career experience in university administration at Christian universities and as President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, more than qualifies him to speak about classical liberalism, human identity, and education and the silencing of truth.… Continue Reading

Wake up, America — They’re Trying to Destroy Us

Written by Laura Hollis

Throughout our nation’s relatively short history, powerful people — kings, communist dictators, tribal tyrants, warmongering corporatists — have always resented America. The reason is simple and biblical: America’s success was proof that free people who exercise self-restraint grounded in Judeo-Christian principles of human dignity and ordered society can govern themselves and flourish, unencumbered by totalitarian control.

But we have grown weak, dependent and easily manipulated. In 2008, when Barack Obama was first running for president, I remarked on the similarities between those proclaiming Obama to be a messiah of sorts and the ancient Israelites’ demand for a king.… Continue Reading

The Tormenting Plague Produced by Critical Race Theory and Liberation Theology

Written by Kevin McGary

What plagues or torments you? Family? Economy? Uncertainty? Crime and chaos in the streets? Political conditions?

When considering why they’re most tormented, most people think in these general terms. Rarely do we consider going beyond the “general” to delve into the depths of the essential criteria; the foundations of our eternal being; the condition of our immortal soul and its relative torment.

We live in a fallen world. In this world, we are all tormented at some level.… Continue Reading

The Cloward-Piven Strategy Remix: Criminal Justice

Written by Abraham Hamilton III

In recent years, there’s been a massive surge of crime in America’s major cities, including violent crimes and murder specifically. For example, there were 397 murders in Los Angeles in 2021. According to Los Angeles Magazine, that was an 11.8 percent increase from the 355 murders in the city in 2020 and a 53.9 percent increase from the 258 murders in the pre-pandemic year of 2019. Three hundred ninety-seven murders was the highest total in the city since 395 people were murdered there in 2007.… Continue Reading

Victimhood: Favorite Status of The Left

Written by Oliver North and David Goetsch

America was founded and expanded from sea to sea by rugged individualists, freedom-loving men and women who believed in personal responsibility, self-sufficiency, and independence. Our pioneering ancestors had a no-excuses attitude toward life. They believed in working hard, smart, and long to build better lives for themselves and their families, wanted opportunities not handouts, would accept only what they earned, and preferred a government that stayed out of their way.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Romania and the Rights Removed

Written by David E. Smith

On this edition of Spotlight, we feature the inspiring story of Virginia Prodan. Growing up in the communist regime of Romanian dictator, Nicolae Ceaușescu, Virginia’s passionate pursuit of truth led her to law school and a career as an attorney. In her interview with Monte Larrick, she describes how God used an appointment with a client to open her eyes to the Truth of the Gospel and relates the amazing story of the encounter that prompted the title of her book, Saving My Assassin.… Continue Reading

I’m a Privileged American … Please Put Race Aside

Written by Dr. Gary L. Welton

I do not feel like a privileged person today when I watch Olympic competitions. These young white, black, and Asian athletes from around the world have been given incredible opportunities to train and specialize in their events. When I should have started such training as a child, I did not even know there was such a thing. When we had a functional television in our home, which was rare, we had atrocious reception.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The Ultimate Guardrail For Your Daughters

Written by Jenna Smith

To the great sorrow of pro-life, pro-family citizens of Illinois, on December 17, 2021,  Governor JB Pritzker signed into law House Bill 370, thereby repealing the Parental Notice of Abortion Act and eliminating the right for parents to be made aware of a minor daughter’s pregnancy and impending abortion.

Joining me for an important Spotlight conversation are IFI contributors Kenna Rose and Alyssa. Please listen as we discuss the impact of the repeal of the Parental Notice of Abortion Act and the repercussions of HB 370, the disingenuously named Illinois Youth Health and Safety Act.… Continue Reading

Liberals Are Lying to You While Turning America Upside Down

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

M. Scott Peck once said that America had become a “people of the lie.” His point was that our nation’s establishment — our leaders in government, media and education, along with the hoard of mindless lemmings who parrot their every decree — have lied so often to others and even to themselves that they have come to believe their own deception.

“The central defect of the evil,” he said, “is not the sin but the refusal to acknowledge it.” … Continue Reading

How Did The United States Ever Become So Divided?

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

2021 is behind us. It has been another year of conflict. Another year of anger. Another year of division. A year of the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated, the masked versus the unmasked, of us against them. A time of racists calling everyone else racists, men calling themselves women and basically everybody accusing everyone of being the cause of everything that ails us.

How did we get here? How did the United States ever become so divided?… Continue Reading