Category: LGBTQ Agenda

Do Illinoisans Know All that Springfield Swampsters Did in 2019?

Written by Laurie Higgins

Do Illinoisans need another reason to vote Democrats out of office? No, of course they don’t, but here’s one anyway. Last June, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law a wildly partisan bill that requires Illinois taxpayers to subsidize the college educations of illegal aliens and students who pretend to be the sex they are not (also known euphemistically as “transgender”). The reason Pritzker and his collaborators in Springfield are now forcing Illinois taxpayers to pay for these students’ college educations is that illegal aliens and some cross-sex passers are ineligible for federal aid, so they figure Illinois taxpayers should take up the slack.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Dr. Michelle Cretella on the “Trans” Ideology Menace

Written by David E. Smith

Our first Spotlight of December features a portion of a presentation given by Dr. Michelle Cretella at the 2019 Illinois Family Institute Worldview Conference on “Trans” Ideology. Dr. Cretella discusses the differences between true, biological science, which supports pro-life and pro-family propositions, and the anti-science cult of gender ideology, which is preached by mainstream medicine, psychiatry, public and private education systems, and social and mass media.

Dr. Cretella also addresses the serious implications of the transgender movement: erasure of parents’ rights, women’s rights, and religious freedom; establishment of gender identity as a protected class; as well as potential legal action that awaits anyone who persists in using “discriminatory” language, i.e.… Continue Reading

Leftist Bullying Works

Written by David Limbaugh

Chick-fil-A’s disappointing decision to discontinue donations to “controversial” Christian charities is emblematic of the power of political correctness and the bullying left that drives it. If the previously stalwart Chick-fil-A folds, who is left standing to fight?

Tireless, intolerant LGBTQ activists bombarded the restaurant chain with protests and accusations about it being “anti-gay.” The gist of its sin is that it has donated millions of dollars to The Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which have historically opposed same-sex marriage.… Continue Reading

Franklin Graham Responds to Threats by Regressive Presidential Candidates

Written by Laurie Higgins

In a recent town hall meeting on sexual deviance co-hosted by the destructive Human Rights Campaign and only slightly less destructive CNN, the question of whether churches in which intrinsically non-marital homosexual “marriage” ceremonies are not allowed to be performed should lose their tax-exempt status was posed. Well, I paraphrased the question for precision and clarity.

With fervor and inauthenticity, one of the respondents declared “Yes!” Fearing the backlash, “progressives” everywhere began pedaling backwards with equal fervor and inauthenticity, declaring how preposterous a notion it is to think theologically orthodox churches would EVER lose their tax-exempt status.… Continue Reading

The Abolition of Women

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

If there was any remaining question that corporate oligarchs and today’s educational ruling class now have near Orwellian control over all of American culture, [recent] news should remove all doubt.

Take for example the story of Dr. Allan Josephson, a distinguished professor and director of the division of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Louisville, who was recently not only removed from his leadership position and but also informed that his contract for the 2019-20 academic year would not be renewed.… Continue Reading

How Democracy Dies in Darkness

Written by Robert Knight

Tyranny can arrive fast in the form of tanks and jackboots. Or it can come gradually, snuffing out liberty and replacing it with fear.

The latter is what we’re facing today, as cultural Marxists advance their doctrines and silence any dissension.

Each day brings new examples, but here are a few that show why a sleeping church and any friend of liberty had better wake up before it’s too late.

Social media giants Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, Google’s YouTube and even Pinterest have all been caught censoring Christians and conservatives.  

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A Christian Response to Taylor Swift’s LGBT-Promoting Video

Written by Peter Heck

Generally speaking, the entertainment industry is no friend to Christians attempting to raise their children to resist worldly conformity and embrace Godliness.  Taylor Swift’s recently released Christian-mocking, LGBT-affirming anthem You Need to Calm Down is the latest example.

The 29-year-old pop sensation brings together a cast of colorful celebrity collaborators to depict those who would choose to promote biblical sexual ethics as backwards, mean-spirited, even toothless cretins, angrily berating anyone who expresses their sexuality in a nontraditional way.… Continue Reading

News You May Have Missed

Written by Laurie Higgins

Snatching Body Parts

Barbarous body snatchers calling themselves “doctors” don’t harvest just the parts of recently killed tiny humans. They also harvest them even while tiny humans yet live. One such “doctor” is Jörg C. Gerlach about whose work in harvesting livers from babies between 18-22 weeks gestation David Daleiden wrote in an essay published by the Washington Examiner on June 7 and excerpted here:

The abortions… were performed by routine medical induction; the labor was induced by local prostaglandin administration….

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Joe Biden Declares “LGBTQ” Rights His Top Legislative Priority

Written by Timothy J. Dailey

Former Vice President and Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden has declared that his top legislative priority would be the Equality Act, which would enshrine LGBTQ special rights into labor and civil rights laws.

Biden delivered the keynote address at the annual gala of the Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual organization that seeks to promote the LGBTQ agenda under the guise of protecting basic human freedoms. His half-hour speech ranged from emotional tributes to those gathered to his denunciation of the policies of President Donald Trump, which he called “wrong” and “immoral.”… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: “The Sanity of Insurrection” by Pastor Doug Wilson

Written by Benjamin Smith

This edition of IFA Spotlight features Pastor Douglas Wilson. His presentation at the March 2019 Worldview Conference on “Trans” Ideology is simply amazing. His talk, is not limited to the transgender issue, however; it covers the culture war as a whole.

The Reverend Douglas Wilson is a conservative reformed and evangelical theologian, pastor at Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, faculty member at New Saint Andrews College, and prolific author and speaker.… Continue Reading